Sunday, March 10, 2024

Too Hot to Write

 The cat is spread out on the bed in front of the fan. He's doing his best flat cat impersonation. 

I have the leaking air conditioner on, a bucket on the floor to collect the drips. 

My massive pile of ironing is down to my last duvet cover and a dress. 

The day was spent like this: 

  • Went to the gym.
  • I read the leading article about the infighting in the United Grand Lodge of Victoria
  • I fielded a number of questions about if I had anything do to with the United Grand Lodge of Victoria (and no, my lodge has nothing to do with them - different orders, no alliances). 
  • Opened the work laptop to do some necessary admin work
  • Went to see a movie to escape the heat. Review tomorrow. 
  • Had some dinner.
  • And continued the admin work so I have a clean slate on Tuesday. There was a lot of admin to do. 
  • Continued to iron. 
I'll review the movie tomorrow. It was most wonderful, but the mix of ironing and doing work on a Sunday night has left me depleted. 

At least I've not finished the boring admin, and can have a free day tomorrow. 

I just have to finish the ironing. Two more pieces to go. 

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