Friday, March 29, 2024

Sunday Stealing on Friday

 There is lot to be said for a night in with a friend, some Chinese takeaway and a movie. There should be more of it. Even better, the Australian Chinese standards, which haven't changed since we were kids. Sweet and sour pork - complete with tinned pineapple. Beef in Black Bean Sauce. And some steamed rice and cold rolls (also known as rice paper rolls). Good company, a great movie (Poor Things - what a film. Maeve hadn't seen it) and a retro dinner. 

It's the best way to spend Good Friday, especially as everything is closed. However, the blood bank was open, so I gave plasma today. Done my community service for the month. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Do you believe in the unknown and Mystics?

To a point, yes. It's tempered with a lot of science and pragmatism, but some things should remain unknown. 

2. How do you tell time? Do you use a watch or your phone and why?

I use the phone, my watch, the computer clock and intuition. It depends on what I have on me at the time. 

3. How do you stay cool in the summer?

The air conditioner. And if I can, I like to jump into a body of water for a bit. That's how I stay cool in Darwin. 

4. Egg yolk or white?

Both. I love the yolk, but the white is good too if it's not overcooked. 

5. What is your current on-repeat song?


Love me some Alabama Shakes. 

6. What is your favorite sound in the world?

I adore hearing the bellbirds along the river when I go for a walk. They're so relaxing. I've got the video of their call. It's marvellous. 

7. What's the must-have-items in your bag?

I have a  small green Uniqlo banana bag which goes everywhere with me, in which you will find:

  • My wallet
  • My phone
  • A couple of lipsticks
  • The lip balm I bought in Paris
  • Some ear buds
  • Sometimes my Myki (travel card)
  • Often my keys
  • Occasionally my hair brush.

8. When you're dressing up, which one you put on first: pants or tops?

Pants. The pants always go on first. I have no idea why. 

9. What is the one thing you wish you could take back?

No. Regret is wasted emotion. 

10. What is your pet peeve?

People who are rude to waiting stuff. 

And people who won't separate out their recycling. 

11. Have you ever been ashamed after buying something frivolous? what?

I love my silk duster jacket I bought from a designer in Darwin. I don't regret spending money on it, but it is a bit frivolous, and it was a lot of money. 

12. What dessert would you eat even if you were beyond full?

Creme brulee. I love that stuff. Or just get me a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Love that too. 

13. Sweet or spicy?

Both. Sweet earlier in the day. Spicy later at night. 

14. Which website do you visit most often?

It's a toss up between the Autralian Bureau of Meterology ( or Facebook. 

15. Which countries/states have you visited and which one did you like the most?

Countries I've visited: 

  • New Zealand
  • Indonesia (Bali)
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • Hong Kong
  • United Kingdom
  • Ireland
  • France
  • Netherlands
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Greece
  • Germany
  • The United States of America
  • Finland (but just through the airport)
  • United Arab Emirates (but just through the airport)
I would happily live in England again, or in France. 

I love New Zealand for its people and its natural beauty. 
I felt at one in Hong Kong and Thailand
Bali is good for a quick break. 


  1. I DEFINITELY should have started traveling earlier!

    I love Alabama Shakes!

  2. I love the sound of those birds - cool!!
