Saturday, March 30, 2024

This Easter. The Dream Easter

 I am having a lovely Easter, even if my Protestant work ethic is telling me I should be doing some work. That isn't happening. Still, I am having a great time. 

Yesterday - also known as Good Friday, also known as the only other day in Australia where most of the shops are closed and you're stuck with what you can get at the servo for snacks if you're lucky. I donated plasma in the early afternoon, getting my community service activity for the month out of the way. After arriving home, I did some housework. 

In the evening a friend came around for Chinese takeaway (the Loi Loi is always open on public holidays) and a movie on Netflix. Okay, it was Disney. It was lovely. Desert was Turkish Delight from the servo. 

Today: Blarney and I went and saw a movie out her way in the morning. I enjoyed this. Then it was home, went for a swim with Jay, before doing a quick change and going into town to meet Geetangeli and Rich for a drink at a favourite bar in town (1806) for a couple of cocktails. They're over from New Zealand. Dinner was at Nandos as they were off to a fancy dinner at Grossi Florentino (Lucky them). We don't get to see each other very often. 

Tomorrow: Geetangeli, Rich, Anney (Rich's sister) and I are heading off to Healesville to the Four Pillars Gin Distillery for the afternoon. After, there might be some Indian food after I drop them off out the other side of town. (Sunday rail services are crap at the best of times. 

Monday: I'm finally off to the Trienniale with a friend in the morning, and probably meeting Geetangeli and Rich after that. I might even take them back to the art gallery because that is how I roll. 

And all of this is great. I love that I'm busy. I love that I get to see friends both old and new. I love that the experiences are wonderful (including the two cocktails I had tonight - a Treacle (which was just an Old Fashioned made of rum) and something called a Den of Vice, which was pink and sparkly and girlie and had hits of vanilla and violet. Again, well nice. 

But how do I see my perfect Easter? 

Well, I see myself having Easter over a week. I book myself out a little place near the beach. Maybe somewhere like this. And there I will write, and sleep and take long baths, and write a bit more, and maybe have the odd gin and tonic. And turn off my phone. And not talk to anybody for four whole days. 

For those reading this, I do not begrudge a minute I'm spending with my friends this Easter. But next weekend, my time is going to be all mine. 

Today's song:

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