Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 Welcome to my current headspace. 

I'm being tossed around with a bit of anxiety at the moment, which is not fun. However, before I go on, let me say I'm taking care of myself. I've called it out, I'm exercising, not drinking alcohol, taking time for me and looking at my thought processes carefully. And when push comes to shove, I have some Whittaker's Jelly Tip chocolate to boost me up (Thanks, Geetangeli). 

What I am enjoying is interrogating my thoughts, which may seem strange, but it's keeping things on an even keel. 

Here are a few of my random thoughts for the day. 

Pistachio Toothpaste

Have you any idea how weird it is not to have minty toothpaste? I bought this stuff, HiSmile Pistachio,  on a whim, it being half price at Chemist Warehouse. Being the type that likes to try EVERYTHING, this had to be done. The verdict - it is very strange. It's not minty nor does it have a strong cinnamon flavour (there used to be one called Close-Up, which used to taste great) This stuff is strange. It cleans your teeth really well, but I'm not sure about the breath factor. I think I might keep this for when I'm working from home. 

HiSmile have all sorts of strange flavours

My books

I'm reading Madeleine Gray's Green Dot at the moment, and it is fabulous. I'm loving my tea breaks at the moment. Go in, lie down, read ten pages. Hopelessly relatable, flawed characters, understandable situations. I love it. 

My audiobook of the moment is Melissa Lukashenko's Edenglassie. It's fascinating. 

I'm lucky to be taken away by both books. 

The best feeling in the world. 

Was felt walking around the shopping centre at lunchtime. I had to pop into the post office and Telstra (for my sins) Things were sorted quickly. I found some sushi for lunch. I went home. But the simple act of walking about felt good. 

My battle with protein

Chuck, my new trainer, wants me eating 2200 calories a day, 155 grams of this should be protein. Have you any idea how much food that is? It feels like too much. The anxiety makes all of this play on my brain. Instead of agonising over this, I'm doing what I can, eating well and breathing through the bad thoughts that follow. Adding a scoop of vanilla protein powder to my iced coffee also worked well. 

And last but not least, the Armpit Detox Mask.

This came today in the mail with some of that trial deodorant. Just why the company thinks I need an armpit detox mask is beyond me,. It was part of a deal. The thing is, I've been using natural deodorants for many years. I'll give it a go, but it still seems a bit strange to me. 

Today's song: 

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