Monday, April 1, 2024

Reasons to be cheerful - Mercury is in retrograde.

 It has been a lovely Easter, despite being plagued with some low-level anxiety. Firstly, and most importantly, the rising feelings of panic and unrest are being managed. Calling it out is the best thing. Then using the toolbox to get it in control. It's in hand. And spending time with old friends has been fantastic. All good. 

Oh yeah, Mercury went retrograde today. Such fun. 

Anyway, here are some of the things that helped me keep on an even keel today. 

1) I met Millie at the NGV today for a wander around the Triennial. We have not seen each other for years and it was wonderful to catch up. Wandering around the gallery, having a chat, talking about all and sundry (We have the same job, with both have aging parents, we both love books and travel.) It was a lovely morning. 

2) On walking to the NGV, which was doing on time for a change on a Public Holiday morning, I heard a song playing over the tannoy at the pub in Flinders Street Station. The pub is as dodgy as the song, which I've put as song of the day. God bless Shirley Strachan. He was taken too soon - but he died doing something he loved. 

But Jukebox in Siberia will always make me happy. 

3) And I saw a Picasso at the gallery. I might have to go back to visit my favourite Francis Bacon painting. Actually, I want to go back to the gallery next weekend. Millie and I didn't get through it all. I reckon next Saturday might be a goer. 

Oh, and did I say that Mercury went retrograde today. 

4) And I bought myself a new iPhone today. My old one was beginning to behave very strangely. With a heap of vouchers and trading in my old phone, I got it for under $700. Was very happy about this. 

Once should never make big transactions when Mercury is in retrograde. Things stuff up. 

5) So, after a day of wandering around town, and getting great service at JB HiFi, and having Nandos for lunch, and coming home to do a PT session with Cleo, who calls in from Barcelona, it's been a good day. 

6) Oh, and did I mention Mercury went retrograde today. It goes direct again on 24 April. 

And this anxiety is brought into a new light. Oh, such fun. 

(p.s. If you haven't seen Miranda, look it up. It's wonderful.) 

Today's song:

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