Sunday, April 7, 2024

Movie Review: Dune - Part Two

 Movie Number 11 of 2024

The Movie: Dune - Part Two

The Cinema: The Sun Theatre, Yarraville

Stars: 3.75

This is not a film I would normally go to. The only reason I went to this was I owed Blarney and Barney's 13-year-old boys a Christmas present and it was this or Godzilla and Kong. They preferred this one, and being the good aunt, I took them along. 

Other things you should know before I do this review. I did not see the first Dune, nor the Dune of the 1980s with Kyle McLaclan. But I have garnered enough knowledge about the Dune universe from friends and the interwebs to sit down and watch without bringing my book to the theatre. 

So, what did I learn about Dune?


1) It's a nerd film. If you're into cinematography and soundscapes this is your film. 

2) It has a fantastic cast, from Timothee Chalomet, Zendaya, Florence Pugh, Rebecca Ferguson, Austin Butler, Stellan Skarsgaard, Josh Brolin, Javier Barden. Great cast. Very easy to watch. 

3) Even if you didn't see the first film, you do get the hang of what's going on pretty quickly. 

4) It wasn't as violent as I thought it was going to be. It is violent, but as it's a fantasy film, it's easier to take. 

5) Austin Butler, without hair, looks like my mate Reindert. Reindert, thankfully, still has his eyebrows. 

6) The worms are cool. 

7) The script is pretty good. I wasn't cringing. That is something. 

8) Denis Villeneuve is obviously good at directing this sort of stuff. He directed Arrival, a film I love. This is up there. 

9) For a film that's been out a few weeks, it was cool to see that the big cinema at the Yarraville Sun was half full. 

10) I have no regrets about seeing this. I'm also now debt free to my proxy godsons - but it is their birthdays in a few weeks and we might need to find another film to go see. It's what aunties too. 

To wrap this up, I'm not the person to do an earnest review of this. The two hours and forty five minutes went quick enough, I enjoyed the sound engineering and cinematography, and the story was fast paced enough to not have me checking my watch every five minutes. In all, it was a bit better than I was expecting. I might have even enjoyed it more if I'd seen the first one. 

Today's song:

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