Saturday, April 6, 2024

Sunday Stealing: Late Night Snacks

 Another Saturday night of ironing. Another good excuse to get the weekend questions out of the way. 

Once I get these done, I can then go finish my wonderful book. 

Questions, as always, have been supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1.  Name a TV series show or shows in which you have seen every episode at least twice:

There are a number of these, including:

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Fawlty Towers
  • House M.D. 
  • Lucifer
  • Suits
  • Bridgerton
  • Gilmore Girls
  • The White Lotus
  • The West Wing
I would put Six Feet Under on this list, but there is one episode I can't rewatch. It's just too violent. 

2.  Name a show or shows you can't or would not miss:

This is my one guilty pleasure show. I watch Married at First Sight. It's so bad, it's good. 

3.  Name an actor or actors that would make you more inclined to watch a show:

I will happily watch anything with Andrew Scott or Matthew Goode in it. Both are English actors, both are incredible - particularly the former. I'm going to watch Ripley on Netflix in the next few days. 

4.  Name an actor or actors who would make you less likely to watch a show:  

I'm not a fan of Will Ferrell. Never liked him, though his forays in the land of Ron Burgundy are a bit fun. 

5. You're having a lovely dinner party for friends and family.  What will you serve for appetizers, main course and dessert?

As it's going into Winter, I'd be looking to serve some good warming foods. And something French.  So I'd start with French Onion Soup, and follow it with either a roast lamb or roast salmon (might have to do both as there might be people who don't eat lamb). Then a creme brulee for dessert. I think that sounds pretty good - and not too difficult. 

6. Snow storm! You've got house guests and you're all stuck inside for the night. What do you prepare for dinner.  Will you watch a movie? Which?

Umm, I don't know what I would do in a snow storm as we don't get snow here in Melbourne (well we get a sprinkling in the hills every so often. But occasionally we get rained in, like they were in Sydney this weekend. I'd do things like soup and roasted veggies and toasted sandwiches, and make sure there's lots of nibblies. Also, we would be watching a movie. There's plenty to be found on the streaming services. Maybe have a Marvel festival. Marvel is good for things like being rained in. 

7. We are going into New York City for the weekend. Where do you want to go?

Oh, New York, you can't do that in a weekend. But for a start I would love to go to the Gugenheim and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. One meal would need to be had at Katz's Deli. I'd also like to walk over the Brooklyn Bridge and have a look around Brooklyn. Maybe a walk along Fifth Avenue and eat a bagel in front of Tiffany's. A weekend is too short a time. 

8. You are going to night school.  They offer courses in writing short stories, painting, piano or guitar lessons, simple home repairs, baking, and gardening. Which do you pick (or make up one of your own)  and why?

Part of me says do the writing course, but I've done a lot of them, so for something different, I would go for the piano lessons. I never got them as a kid and I've always wanted to play the piano. 

9.   Ever been to a Drive In Theater? Would you like to see Drive In Theaters make a comeback? 

We used to go to the drive in when we were kids. It was a popular thing to do in the seventies. We also have a couple of drive ins around - well there were before COVID. Outdoor cinemas are making a comeback. I'm hoping to go to one in Darwin when I am up there next week. The Deckchair Cinema is excellent, even if you have to slather yourself in bug spray to keep the mosquitoes away. There is nothing better than sitting in a deckchair with a beer watching the sun go down behind the screen, then watching as the geckoes run across the screen and the bats fly into the Moreton Bay fig trees that surround the cinema grounds. 

10.  Should towns provide community entertainment like bands in the park, fireworks on the 4th, community picnics or is the cost just too much?

Being Australian we don't have the July Fourth Celebrations, but I'm good with the occasional celebration run by the council. We do have a big celebration here called Moomba in early March and there are always New Year's Eve fireworks. We're also lucky to have great grounds where people can have picnics, which are maintained by the council, but are free to use. People seem to like it. Our taxes pay for it, so why not. 

11.  What would you change about your town if you had the power?

Not much. Melbourne is pretty good just the way it is. Maybe they could do something about the swooping magpies in the season. Oh, and a lot more social housing. Housing costs are exorbitant in Australia, but Melbourne is particularly bad.  

12.   How often do you find yourself shopping for groceries?

Normally twice a week. A big shop on the weekend, and fresh meat, fruit and veg doing the week. 

13. Do you have a favorite night time snack?

I'm a bit of a potato chip fan late at night. I generally don't keep them in the house, but the current favourites are the kettle chips in the Dijon mustard and honey flavour. They are just a bit too morish. 

14. Do you buy in bulk and what kinds of tips do you have to save money on grocery shopping?

Living alone I don't generally buy in bulk, although I'll often get a tray of chicken breasts then freeze them individually. The one thing I used to buy in bulk was natural deodorant, which came in from the US. This brand called Native. They were excellent. Unfortunately, they are no longer shipping to Australia. 

15. Let's have a picnic in the park.  What foods are we packing and will we cook anything there or is it all prepared ahead of time?

Picnics need to be prepared for so you don't have to cook. I'd go and get a roast chicken from the supermarket, cut it up, get some salads, cheese biscuits (crackers) and dip and take the easy route. It;s good when everybody brings something along. Makes it fun. 

Today's song:


  1. Hi Pand,

    Have you seen Dexter (which stars Michael C Hall from Six Feet Under)? It's brilliant - but it is violent.

    I can't bring myself to watch Married at First Sight - it just sounds so tacky.




  2. I agree with "Dexter." Violent, but very good. I watched the whole series.

    Deckchair Cinema sounds very weird!

  3. Hmm. I jut saw Elf with my wife on TV; I mean in the last week, an I mostly liked it. And he was OK in Barbie, I thought.

  4. I wasn't a fan of Will Farrell until Elf. I bought into him in that role.
