Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 Omnishambles: noun, plural om·ni·sham·bles.(used with a singular verb)

Chiefly British Informal. a situation, especially in politics, in which poor judgment results in disorder or chaos with potentially disastrous consequences. An own goal. A clusterfuck. 

I like this word. Justice Michael Lee used it to describe the Lehrmann case. 

A complete and utter clusterfuck. 

I have no sympathy for the entitled, gormless, rapey prick. He's got what he deserved. He wont be able  to work in Australia again, unless his mate, George Brandis gets him a job in Ullan Batar or Timbuktu. Somewhere out of the way, where the NewsCorpse and Seven media empires haven't spread their tentacles. Somewhere, maybe, where entitled, gormless, rapey pricks run the place in their patriarchal communities, where women are fodder for their desires. 

Yeah, he got exactly what he deserved. Good luck paying the court fees, Bruce...

I've been following this case with interest for the last few years, for a variety of reason. 

The big one being that like one in three women in Australia, I've been sexually assaulted in the past. I've been sexually assaulted and it messed me up. And yes, like with many things, there are scales of sexual assault, from the transgressions of wandering hands or being dry humped on a bus in Florence, to what happened to Brittany Higgins in a Cabinet Minister's office, to the unfortunate women who are taken against their will in violent situations. No matter what it is, it's shit. It's messed up. It's an omnishambles.

So, seeing this piece of a human shit stain get trollied by a high court just was gratifying. 

But are there lessons in this?

Of course. 

Maybe the big one is teaching men about consent, and what that entails. If it's not an enthusiastic yes, then it's a no. If they can't provide an answer because the person you're with can't enunciate an answer whether they be drunk, drugged, overwrought - what ever that may be - it's a no. Keep your hands to yourself and you dick in your pants. 

And men, if you see bad behaviour, for fuck's sake, call it out. If your mate is being inappropriate / violent / overly antagonistic to a woman - or anybody really, call it out. He's not your mate. He's an arsehole. 

We have to start somewhere. This has gone on long enough. Violence against women that is. 

In the meantime, I'll be popping into Coles to read the front page of The Australian. Janet Albrechtson must be crying into her Cab Sav. What's the bet there's no mention of the case? Sky News was talking about how the case showed that the Liberal Party were not covering things up. Like really, that's what you're taking away from all this? (There is a reason I don't read Murdoch 'media' publications. They're delulu.)

Today's song: 

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