Sunday, April 14, 2024

Gone to Darwin


I am currently on the plane about an hour into the flight. According to the map, we’re somewhere roughly over Broken Hill.

Dinner, a chicken pasta salad, was very tasty. I had my ritual Bloody Mary in the Qantas Club with a colleague before the flight. I’ve also had a can of ginger beer to wash down said chicken pasta salad.

It’s a full flight.

I’m seated next to a boomer man-spreader with no concept of personal space. I’m next to the window. He has taken possession of both arm rests. I’m not in the mood for an argument because of course, he’s definitely entitled to both armrests. My back brain is seeking revenge.

On the good side of things, I should have the book group book finished by the end of the flight. 

Such is life.

Today's song:

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