Saturday, April 13, 2024

Sunday Stealing: How Far Would You Go?

 It's a joy to be writing something and not watching the television. Some man went berserk at a shopping centre with a knife, killing six people and injuring many others, including a baby, before the police shot and killed him. All this happened in Sydney. But it's the last thing you want to hear about. Anyway, I'm trying to distract myself, because I don't need to hear all about this. These unfortunate occurrences normally happen overseas. You can only listen and watch for so long. 

Regardless, I'm back up to Darwin tomorrow night. Get away from the madness. 

Anyway, on with this week's questions, brought to us by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1.    What have you been the most ignorant about in your life?

This may sound awful, but I'm pretty ignorant of what is really going in between the Palestinians and Israelis. I know enough, I know that it's horrific, and I get the geopolitical scene, but other than it's a terrible situation, I won't be drawn into conversations on the topic. I don't know enough. I have Jewish, Israeli and Palestinian friends. I don't weigh in other than not condoning the violence. 

2.    What in the world would you most like to see protected?

The natural environment. We don't do anywhere near enough to protect the planet. 

3.    How do you waste the biggest chunk of time each day or week?

Does work count? It's that and doom scrolling. 

4.    Who is the scariest person you've ever known?

I know a lot of scary people. They are all wonderful people, but they can be scary. The women I went on the writer's retreat with in October - all wonderful people. All really scary. A group like that could run the world. 

5.    What was the job you enjoyed the least?

I've had a couple of dodgy contracts in the last ten years, at two of which, I was bullied. It doesn't happen very often thank goodness, and the bullies were dealt with, but I didn't like that at all. Once you realise what is going on you can do something about it. Horrible people. 

6.    What thing about your family are you the proudest of?

We're South Australian. Not just Australian, but we came to the free settled colony of South Australia in the 1850s and have been there ever since. It's a state thing. Like coming from Texas or Essex. 

7.    What kind of power do you want most?

I think I would like to power to manipulate time so that I could have a couple of extra hours in the day to write. That would be great. 

8.    What's the best piece of advice you ever received?   

Do no give a toss about what other people think of you. It's none of your business anyway and a waste of thoughts. Get on living your own life and don't worry about what others are thinking of you. There's just no point. 

9.    What's the thing you know the most about?

I know a lot about the following:

  • Writing
  • Shakespeare
  • English History, particulary the Tudors
  • Bad television

10.    When were you most moved by a ceremony?

I remember being very moved at my friend Alice's Australian Citizenship ceremony. Yes, it was held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) which seats 100,000 people, but it was very cool. There was this section where they went into what it means to be Australian. Myself and another friend who was sitting with me were in tears. They did a really good job of it. 

The other ceremony I witnessed was last year in Darwin, where a Larrakia elder gave a wonderful Welcome to Country. The Welcome that Richard Fejo gave us was less effusive than this one, but it got me in the heart. Working regularly on Larrakia land, I'm understanding a lot more of the importance of Country. (I was born on Kaurna land and live on Wurundjeri land - and acknowledging this is really important.)


11.    What is the best gift you ever gave to someone?

I've given various people garden gnomes for their birthdays and Christmas. They are little protectors, even if others don't hold these views. 

12.    What is the cruelest thing you've ever suffered?

Oh, that would be being born with knocked knees and Achilles tendons that were too short. Made my childhood hell going in and out of hospital until I was eleven. 

13.    What's the single nastiest thing you've ever done to someone?

I try to be kind at all times and other than the odd prank, I try to leave a very gentle footprint. I never mean to be nasty or cruel. 

14.    What problem do you think is most common among friends your age?

At the moment, friends of my age are all having issues with aging parents. This can be as small as things like helping them set up their computers, to big things like seeing them into care and dealing with them dying. I'm thankful my folks are in very good nick. 

15.    What is the strongest craving you get?

Sugar. Lethal, insidious stuff. 

Today's song:


  1. Work bullies. I've had those.

    The knife wielder made the US national news, the second story after Iran sent drones to Israel.

  2. Excellent advice! When I was younger, I worried a LOT about what people thought about me. When I turned 50, I cared less. Now I'm 65 and I try not to worry about it!!
