Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Thank God for Masterchef

My workday started around 8 a.m.

My workday ended around 7.15 p.m.

In the ensuing eleven hours I made it as far as my local coffee shop to pick up a full-strength coffee and a snot block. I don't keep caffeinated coffee at home. 

A lot of work was done. 

A run through for tomorrow's training was done with my colleague. We're ready. 

At "lunch time" some masons stuff was sorted out. It was nice to talk to my Adelaide compatriot for ten minutes. 

The kitchen floor was scrubbed in another ten-minute break - just to get me away from the screen. A clean kitchen floor provides a sense of pride, especially since I hate doing floors. 

There was a break mid-afternoon, where the cat gave me a cuddle for around ten minutes. 

These are some of the joys of working from home. 

Near the end, when my fingers were getting heavier, I made myself pad thai, using up a packet of udon noodles that were sitting in the cupboard, a stray chicken breast and some vegetables that would have died in the crisper. 

And when I finally logged off, around 7.15 p.m. I was thrilled that I had Masterchef to look forward to. 

Masterchef is the perfect foil for a long day. 

Everybody on Masterchef is encouraging. 

Those doing the cooking are under-pressure, but you can see they are enjoying it. 

You learn stuff. Like how to make Jamie Oliver's Old Mans Chicken - which is really just a chicken substituted in Beef Wellington. It looked yummy, but going from this recipe, Jamie's jzujzed it up a bit. 

You watch as these plucky contestants, all of whom appear to be nice people, struggle with their inner demons to put the best plate of food on the table. 

And in the end, after the judges judge their efforts, and make nobody feel like an idiot, and even the one who loses the challenge is made to feel good about the effort they put in and is sent off with many hugs and the encouragement to keep going. 

It's brilliant to watch a reality show where nobody is sniped at, or made to look a fool, or set up to fail - although some of the things they make them do in the kitchen are insane - but it's all for the contestants' good. People are genuinely good people on this show. 

So after a very long, at times frustrating day at work, Masterchef is the great reviver. 

And I did my dishes during the ads. 

What more can you want?

Today's song:

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