Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Dear Cat

 Please explain to me the following:

  • Why is it, when I leave a plastic bag on the floor, you must sit on it? And chew it?
  • Why do you try and guilt me into letting you into the spare room after dark?
  • Why do randomly give me little bites while I'm watching the telly. They don't hurt, but I'd like to know why you do it. 
  • How do you know when I've rolled over onto my stomach when I'm about to go to sleep?
  • And how is it that the space between my knees is so comfortable for most of the night? 
  • Why is it you always do a smelly poo just as I'm about to go into an online meeting?
  • Also, what is so good about my reading chair? Why do you love it so much. 
  • When it comes to breakfast, why do you insist on receiving some of my yoghurt, while sitting on my keyboard, when I want to read my emails first thing in the morning?
Cat. you're strangely predictable. 

I have a headache. That be it for the moment. 

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