Thursday, June 6, 2024

Odd Jobs Night

 Tonight is my last full night in Darwin. I'll be arriving back in Melbourne very early Saturday morning. 

I hope my cat is still alive. 

I'm looking forward to the cool. I find it strange that the air conditioning in this one-bedroom flat is set to the same temperature that I have my heating on at home (22 degrees). As it's now the dry, I'm finding it's not as necessary to have the air con on full blast. There's even a very thin doona on the bed, which also fills me with joy, but it's not the thicker one I have at home. 

Tonight is odd jobs night. 

  • I had dinner with a colleague down at the hotel restaurant. The barramundi is good here. 
  • I've done my ironing, after doing the washing last night. And yes, I even iron when I'm up here in Darwin.
  • I'm half-packed
  • And now I want to go to bed.

The week has been good. I've kept the pact with myself and managed to do more than 10,000 steps a day - which the warmer weather makes easy. A loop around the waterfront each night has been great. No swimming this trip, but that is okay. Finally, the hotel pool looks like it will be ready to swim in in the next few weeks. 

But it's been a big week, and a tiring week, so I think I will leave this for tonight. 

I'm just not feeling it. 

Today's song:

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