Thursday, June 6, 2024

So Unfair

 The nasty Uber driver man made me feed my ice cream to the crocodiles. 

We had had a lovely night down on Stokes Hill Wharf, where a number of small restaurants are housed at the end of the pier. We'd been told that the tacos were really good at this hole in the wall Mexican place - and they were good. One colleague had chicken tostadas, which they loved. The other had a bowl of loaded fries that could have fed four. Me, I tried the pork and fish tacos, which were very tasty (But I think I preferred the fish tacos I had at the other Mexican place on the waterfront - but they were still good.)

A nice cheap and cheerful dinner. 

We'd ambled down there after work. It's always good to get a decent walk, even better when you have a bit of company. 

After dinner, we found an ice cream place. I was happy. Hokey Pokey ice cream and Macadamia ice cream are two of my favourites. Rather than selecting one, I paid the exorbitant price of $12 for a double scoop. And it was worth it. (One of my colleagues got the same mix in a cup).

We wandered slowly back down the pier, talking about how we were getting home. I was up for a walk. I had an ice cream to walk off - and Darwin is not somewhere you walk alone at night. My colleagues wanted to Uber home. I was outnumbered. 

The Uber was ordered. 

I continued to enjoy my cone. 

The Uber turned up. A very nice Haval car. Large and comfortable. 

We made our way to the car. I still had the cone left.

"No eating in the car!" came a booming voice from behind the wheel. 


I am one for not disobeying Uber drivers. I have a very respectable 4.83 Uber score - I'd like to keep it.

 And yes, it's his car, his rules, and I was not up for a fight. (He was a very nice Uber driver, all things considered)

But what was I to do? Stay behind and get another Uber for myself? Scoff down the rest of the cone and give myself a cold headache? Race to the nearest bin, which was a good 100 metres away?

In the end, it was simple. Being foodstuffs, with no plastic or wrappings, there was one solution. The cone and the last of the ice cream was thrown off the pier into the water. 

It felt horrible. 

I gave up my ice cream to go with the flow. 

It was so unfair.

Macadamia ice cream is one of life's joys. It shouldn't be fed to the fishes and the crocs. 

I got home and had a compensatory gin and tonic to soothe my weary soul. 

It is, however, lovely being in Darwin, where it's warm enough to have an ice cream after dinner. With the breeze, and the light and sunset, and tacos and ice cream, life is not bad at all. 

Tonight's sunset from the Pier. 

Today's song:

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