Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sunday Stealing: Travel

 I have a free weekend and I'm just back from Sound Meditation. Now, before I go out for dinner-, I get to write about one of my favourite things: Travel. 

Question, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Have you traveled abroad? Where have you been? If you haven't been overseas, which country would you most like to visit?

Have I travelled overseas. I'm Australian. Travelling overseas is in our blood. I was overseas, in Europe last October. 

Where have I been? Take your pick. I have been to:

  • New Zealand (Many times)
  • The United Kingdom (many times, and lived there for many years)
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Greece
  • The Netherlands
  • Ireland
  • The United States
  • Indonesia (okay Bali - a number of times)
  • Thailand (twice)
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • India
  • Hong Kong

2. Where did you go on your last trip? Talk about where you went and what you did.

Last weekend I was on a Writer's Retreat down the Great Ocean Road, about three hours out of Melbourne. 

The view from where I was writing last week. 

My last proper holiday was the writer's retreat in France last year. It was awesome. 

3. What is the best place for a vacation in your country? Why is it good?

I'm very happy when I go down the Great Ocean Road for a long weekend. But if you're holidaying in Australia, I thoroughly recommend my hometown Adelaide - but get out of the city. Adelaide has so much to offer. Beaches, wineries, great food, laidback people and lots of experiences. I am biased. 

4. What is the longest time you have been away from home? Did you feel homesick?

Eight years. Did I get homesick. Very rarely. 

5. How long should a vacation be? How long does it take you to really relax?

At least two weeks. If you're travelling distances, then a bit longer. I don't start relaxing for at least a week. Then I settle into holiday mode. I know I'm on holiday when I'm having breakfast beers - or is that just in Bali?

6. What forms of transportation do you prefer to use when you travel?

I'm on planes regularly, but if I was travelling the way I'd love to, then I'd go by boat. I love being on boats - big boats that is. But then again, I'd be up for staying on a barge on a canal. I reckon that would be wonderful. 

7. How do you choose where to go? Are you inspired by other people's travel stories? Or photos? Or advertising?

My holidays are dictated by funds, then by other people's experiences. On my current wish list are the following places: 

  • Japan
  • Vietnam and Cambodia (I really want to go to Angkor Wat)
  • Mumbai and Rajasthan in India
  • France and Spain
I can see me going to one of the top two in the next year, with any luck, and some savings. The other part of me wants to find a portable job and work from Paris for six months. Just because. 

8. What's more important to you when you travel - comfort and relaxation, or stimulating new experiences?

First up is safety. I like to feel safe - or at least give myself a chance of being safe - so that's things like going on tours in third world countries, or being with friends who are locals. Then I go for experiences, then finally for relaxation. If I want a "toes up" holiday, I go to Ubud in Bali for a week. 

9. Do you like to try local foods when you go somewhere? Have you ever had something really delicious?

Of course, I love trying the local fare. That's what holidays are for. 

Some favourite discoveries include: 

  • Kadai Paneer in India
  • Everything in France
  • Yum Cha (Dim Sum) in Hong Kong
  • Street food in Thailand and Malaysia
  • Tapas in Spain.
I'm an adventurous eater, and finding new foods is half the fun. 

10. Things can go wrong when you travel. Have you had any bad travel experiences?

Thankfully all of my misadventures on holiday have been minor, from things like missing a connection, or travelling with the wrong people (Greece) to a bout of food poisoning in Singapore, to being humped on a bus by a local in Florence. All inconvenient, but all minor and thankfully over quickly and easily sorted. 

11. Do you take a lot with you when you travel? Or do you try to pack light?

I'm a medium packer. As I travel for work at the moment, I've learned to keep things to a minimum, but if I'm in a different climate for more than a week, I like options. Also, as I'm bigger, finding clothes in some countries is harder than it looks. 

12. Which places in the world do you think are too dangerous to visit? Why are they dangerous?

Any place with ongoing conflicts are places I wouldn't go. I wouldn't go to Israel or Ukraine at the moment. I'd be reticent to go to parts of Africa. I have to say, if Trump gets in as President again, I don't think I'd want to travel to America. The vibe is not good.  

13. What is the best age to travel? Can children appreciate the experience?

Any time is a good time to travel. For kids, I think once they're about seven or eight they can start to appreciate all that travel can provide - but you have to be prepared and plan well. 

14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling alone?

I have pretty much only travelled alone. I love that you can do what you want to do, when you want to do it. You have your own agenda. You meet more people, make your own fun. The only disadvantage that I know of is when you have the urge to share the experience with somebody. I've been many places where I wish there was somebody I could just sit and wonder about the places I've been with. 

15. What kind of accommodation do you like to stay in when you travel?

That depends on where I am. Weekend breaks in other cities I try and find the cheapest five-star accommodation I can get - and there are ways of doing this. I'm very good at sniffing out a bargain. 

Anywhere else, budget-friendly, clean and well-serviced is good. When I was in France we had a couple of excellent AirBNBs. I like to think I do my homework. 

16. Do you like to talk to the local people when you travel? Why or why not?

I'm from Adelaide. I talk to anybody. I love talking to the locals. In France, speaking reasonable French as an absolute godsend. Again, if you get weird vibes off people, then you don't talk to them. Simples. 

17. Would you like to go to a big international event, such as the Olympics or an international film festival? What would be good or bad about attending such an event?

Um, depends on the event. I hate crowds, but I think going to an International Film Festival would be fantastic. I've travelled interstate for concerts and plays (I'm doing that in a few weeks). I know I was lucky enough to see a favorite actor (Andrew Scott) on stage in London. But the Olympics doesn't float my boat. Also, we're lucky here in Melbourne. We get a lot of international acts coming here. 

Today's song:

1 comment:

  1. (I thought I commented before!) Anyway, you've traveled in the manner I wish I had!
