Friday, June 28, 2024

Watching Priscilla

 The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert came out in 1994 - thirty years ago in August. 

Trying, and winning at staving off a migraine today, I found myself on the couch watching this gem of a film once again. I know I've seen in multiple times, but it never gets any less enjoyable. 

I remember seeing this for the first time in London when it came out and I was utterly blown away by it. 

Doing a rewatch of this tonight, here are my takeaways. 

  • How did it ever get made in 1994?
  • Guy Pearce and Hugo Weaving were brilliant back then, but have got better with age. 
  • Nothing is better than an English actor going against type. Terrence Stamp is as poignant as he is funny. 
  • The campervan thing wasn't as big as it is now. Who knew converting buses would really take off?
  • Way back when drag was seen as a subversive thing - where as now, it's become mainstream. I think Priscilla might have had something to do with this. 
  • One scene I particularly loved was when stranded in the bush, the group encounter a party of indigenous people - and the boys are welcomed to the party. It says a lot. 
  • Bill Hunter. National treasure. Vale. 
  • It's one of those films which always makes the lists of best Australian films, ever. It still stands. 
  • "Good night, Felicia!"
  • "Just what Australia needs. A cock, in a frock, on a rock."
  • The film makes the outback look incredible. 
  • Even in 1994, ABBA wasn't cool, but they played it. 
The other thing I didn't remember was the awful views of racism and homophobia, which was so relevant at the time - some would say that some if it is still there. And the inherent ageism shown to both Bernadette and Bob were awful And it touches on the abject loneliness of living in regional Australia. 

But this doesn't age. It's still a riot, and funny and sweet.

I'm going on a road trip to Katherine, down the track from Darwin, in a couple of weeks. I wonder if I can get my travelling companion to frock up for the journey. I have a funny feeling the answer will be no. (And the small SUV is no match for that bus - which was recently found after disappearing).

It's one of those films which make you proud to be Australian. 

Today's song: 

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