Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Jammy Dodger

 I don't want to write about grief, or the passing of my friend Andy, or the discombobulation I've been feeling for the last few days. I'm grateful for the friends who've reached out. I feel fortunate to work for a company where the people are very decent and caring. I'm also feeling like his passing, at 55, is a bit of a kick up the arse to make some changes. Life is a very precious thing. Death brings out all of the cliches and platitudes. 

And while he's never far from my thoughts, and I can hear his voice in my ear now and they, and I ponder where his epic gin collection might go once the family start clearing out his Darwin pad (too soon?) I'm not going to dwell on this. I'm back on more of an even keel now. I'm being productive. Today, I went into the office. 

We have a co-working space in town. There are good things and not so good things about the space. 

The good thing is the location - not far from the top of Collins Street. 

The not so good things about the office include: 

  • Dodgy fluorescent lighting
  • Bad chairs
  • Not that many independent screens
  • And dreadful internet. Like almost non-functioning internet
I had lunch with a friend today, in town, so I had to go in. 

But, I used my not-so-well-known charm to sort the internet thing. 

Thankfully, the guy who looked after the other co-working space at the other end of town was there. He's lovely. He is also responsive. 

I turned it on. Told him of the internet woes - which were there. Asked nicely if there were options, like using the Members only internet rather than the Guest server we'd been attaching. 

He handed over the pass key. 

For the first time working at this place, my internet didn't crap out. At all. All day. 

I'm a bit of a jammy dodger for sucking up to the concierge - but it got a result. 

Today's song: 

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