Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Evil Things

 Legendary sweet tooth? No self-control? Just looked interesting. 

I went to the office today, as is the go on most Wednesdays. 

I went to get a coffee. 

And then I saw it. 

I pointed it out to the guy serving me. "What's that?"

"A croissant filled with lemon curd."

The decision took all of a second. "You had me at lemon curd."

I took my coffee and lemon curd croissant back to the desk. 

It was incredible. Crispy. Crunchy. Not too sweet. Not too big. Absolutely orgasmic. Eaten as I watched the trains pootle around the Jolimont sidings. 

On Friday, I've got an appointment with the naturopath. I'm pretty sure anything remotely 'fun' will be taken away from be from the weekend. The last time I saw the naturopath for something similar she took gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine and alcohol away from me. 

This was my last stand. I can see the same happening on Friday. 

Popping out to the kitchen, where the cafe happens to be, the barrista asked me about the dreadful item. 

There are only two words. 

Fucking evil. 

I'm glad I only work from the office once a week, so I don't have to face these temptations. 

But it was worth it. 

Today's song:

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