Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Random Thoughts

 I can't think of anything concrete to write about tonight, so here's some dot points from today:

  • I am still triggered by The Footy Show, even though it hasn't been on our screens for five years. There is something about the sight of Sam "Wrinkly Bollox" Newman that makes me want to throw a brick through the telly. Eddie McGuire I can tolerate - he's pretty innocuous, but it's that horrid hyper-blokiness which irritates the fuck out of me. 
  • My cat is a soggy, manipulative prick. If he wants treats, he sits next to me and scratches my leg with one claw. And he keeps coming back for me. He has wrecked many a right leg on many a pair of trousers over the last four and a half years.
  • I am blow drying my hair straight as I write this (well, you know, write a dot point, dry a section). How did I used to do this every day for work? I'm doing this just for a change. I like my curls. 
  • I hate the wind. It is my least favourite aspect of the weather.
  • Knitting is therapeutic. 
  • Why is it when you want to make some changes to your life, you want to make them NOW! It's never soon enough. 
  • I've just started a book called Kinky History by Esme Louise James. It's non-fiction. I need to get it read before next Thursday so I can give it back to my friend when I go to Adelaide. 
  • Speaking of Adelaide, I'm a bit travelled out - and I don't know whether I'm Bill or Ben or which flowerpot I'm in. I made plans for next Thursday - not this Thursday. Next Thursday I'm flying to Adelaide for a Freemasons Convention. Oh, such fun. 
  • Speaking of Freemasons, I've got the urge to revisit that novel I was thinking about centered around the lady freemasons of a lodge here in Melbourne. Lots would have to be changed - but gee, that could be fun to write. 
  • I'm going out for dinner with friends on Friday. 
  • I have going, on audiobook, Bri Lee's The Work. I find it fascinating that is known for her non-fiction, this seems to have a lot of merit. I do love novels about art. 
  • As my hair is now dry and straight, I will leave this here. 

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