Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Bringer of Light is Back

 He's back. 

He's back sitting on my office chair and coming up for cuddles when I lie on the couch. He's roaming around and asking for treats. He's walking over the keyboard like he owns the place. 

He's just home. 

Part of me feels bad. He's had a wonderful time with my friends, who seem to like him as much as he likes them. They have a big place in a nice suburb, so he's got a lot more room to move about. 

On arriving at their place, he was initially thrilled to see me, his tail went bolt upright and vibrated. Then he went and hid under the table, staring at me with his death stare. Of course, after a few minutes, he came for a pat, and a wander, before giving me the death stare from under the table. Rinse and repeat. 

Then I hear about what he's been up do. Such as finally, after ten days, he decided that coming in for a cuddle in the morning was a good thing. And according to K, he has the sweetest purr (which he does). 

He also joined P on a big conference call with a heap of general managers, only to have him jump into his lap for a pat, then to have him turn around and poke his bum in the camera - something he does with me on a daily basis. 

They can't quite get over that I've named him Lucifer. What they don't realise is that Lucifer is not a demon. He's the bringer of light. And in that, the name suits he. 

But he's home, and he seems happy, and I'm happy. 

What makes me happier is that they've offered to have him back, and are happy, with my challenging work travel schedule, to take on my second-hand house panther. The mother guilt is hard enough - but having cat sitters who love your animal makes all the difference. 

Time to see if he'll cuddle up behind my legs tonight...

Today's song: 

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