Friday, August 23, 2024

The Sting

I'm home. 

I got home in one piece, somehow, after spending the 24 hours prior curled around the loo in my hotel apartment in Darwin. 

Packing my bags was hard, mostly due to no energy, plus my ribs and stomach were aching from throwing up. Yes, it was that sort of gastro that rips you apart in every which way from Sunday. 

Somehow, I got ready for the airport and checked out of the hotel in preparation for my 1.20 a.m. flight (Yes, this is a real thing - welcome to the Darwin airline departure schedule. It's crap.)

On arrival at the airport, after checking in my bag and making my way through security, I went to find a few supplies. As I'd been lying on the couch moaning when I wasn't sitting on the loo for the whole day, I hadn't had a chance to do a Woolies run. 

There is only one shop in Darwin Airport. A multitude of bars, the odd eatery including a random Red Rooster, but one shop. 

Please tell me how the following items ended up costing me $42?

As it was really hot in Darwin yesterday, I was dehydrated - and in need of a bit of sugar, so I purchased a bottle of lemonade. 

To add to the sugar theme, I was finally feeling a little peckish, but I wanted something that wasn't salty, wasn't chocolate and something that wouldn't be too hard on the stomach. Why does the Darwin Airport shop only have Haribo sweets? Why couldn't I find a bag of snakes? Snakes would have done just as well. (Snakes rule when it comes to lollies). So yeah, a packet of gummy bears made it to the counter. 

The last item was a necessity, seeing I was still racing to the loo in the hour before I left for the airport. Imodium. 

How does an eight pack of Imodium, which costs around $12 at Chemist Warehouse, have a justified price of $20 at this rip off shop? 

Unfortunately, all three items were necessary. But still!

Airports are rip off merchants. 

And yes, I know I should have some emergency Imodium in my toiletry bag for Darwin, as Bali belly doesn't only happen in Bali, but all over the tropics.  It's not a bad thing to have in there, joining the ibuprofen, antacid and prescribed sleeping tablets for emergencies. I should also buy a pack of emergency snakes for my day pack. Jelly snakes fix lots of things, including grumpy testers, agitated subject matter experts and the odd first-same friend you meet when your flight is delayed. 

Begrudgingly, I chugged down two Imodium with a slug of lemonade, while chomping on some gummy bears to get some energy to get on the flight. 

I think being stung like this hurts more than my rib cage - which is still aching from all the puking. 

But at least I'm home and the gastro is over. 

Today's song: 

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