Friday, March 19, 2021

The Eye Dream

Dreaming isn't something I do often, but when I do, it's a bit of a doozy. And these two have left me a bit discombobulated (word of the week). I had these earlier in the week, but I'm still mulling them over in my strange brain and its outputs first thing in the morning, when I realise that the day is starting and the warmth between my thighs is the cat using my quads as a pillow.  

The first dream is quite a simple one. I'm looking in a mirror, looking into my eyes. My right eye looks a bit puffy and red at first. 

I look again and the right eye is worse. The redness has got worse and the pupil has blown - it's about double the size of the pupil in the left eye. 

Looking again, after trying to do something about this eye - which is strange because it's not really hurting and it appears I can see, I look again and the eye has all gone white, like that of some strange zombie. It's blown up, it's puffy and just awful. 

After doing some stuff, I look again. The eye appears to be healing. It's working. It's a bit crusty. The right pupil has blown again, but at least I can see out of it now. It looks like I have the last of a case of conjunctivitis. 

I look again a bit later and my eyes are pretty much back to normal. 


Funnily enough, I remember a similar dream I had years ago. It was similar, but at the time I had one green eye and one yellow one (as in the iris was cat's eye yellow) At the time I was sitting in a Kabbalah dream group and this rather simple dream was hashed over for an hour. 

Two nights later, I find myself racing around a department store. I'm trying to get from the mezzanine to the first floor where I work. I've been in this department store before in my dreams and I know my way around, and because of this, I know it's very difficult to get from the mezzanine to the first floor. You can climb up on rickety boxes, or you have to run around to strange escalators on the other side of the building to get where you need to go. There are down escalators, but not up ones. The lift to the first floor, which is in a part of department store almost at the polar opposite end of store, nowhere near where I need to be, and it takes forever to come. There was more to the dream than this, but that's the crux of it. 

As I no longer sit in that dream group, I turned to for some notes on interpretation. 

The bung eye - a fear of intimacy. Hmph. Who knew?

And the department store? 

To quote, "Department Store:  To dream that you are in a department store suggests that you are trying to fulfill your needs and desires. Consider the significance of what you are shopping for and how you may be lacking that item in your life."

Hmph is all I will say. Hmph.

I feel a bit like Larry in Closer at the moment. I adore this play. I've always got this play, from the first time I saw it on stage in London in the late nineties. 

And I so get Larry. part of me thinks I'm a female Larry. But then, I'm also a little bit Anna. And a little bit Jane. And there might even bit a little bit of Dan in me. I love this play.  I so get Larry when he yells, "What does one have to do to get some intimacy around here?" 

I get it. 

Maybe the bung eye dream is saying I'm finally coming out of this lifelong denial. And maybe I should be shopping in a better place. Maybe I should be shopping in a place that is easier and more fun, not a stale old department store which reminds me of where I worked in my early twenties. 

It's food for thought. 

Today's Song: 

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