Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Regime Check In

 Today is day 31 of my two months on what I call "the regime". I am doing this willingly, with the support of my wonderful naturopath, Anja, who is one of the sensible ones. The regime is this. Eat what you like, but the rules are: 

  • No gluten
  • No dairy
  • No refined sugar (Fruit is okay, berries are better than tropical fruit)
  • No caffeine (and this is including decaf coffee)
  • No alcohol.
Basically, nothing fun. 

You ask what I'm eating? Well, lots. I've been instructed to keep red meat and salmon down to once a week. But eggs, chicken and white fish are staples. There's lots of veggies. Quite a bit of fruit. Some gluten free wraps and bread. Fats are kept to avocado and olive oil - and maybe the odd scrape of butter if I'm having vegemite toast. 

I'm supplementing my protein intake with shakes - whey protein is good - pea protein tastes grainy and Anya has approved this. 

And I've got used to this and I'm enjoying things so far.

Have there been changes? 

Well, I'm not craving sugar - and I'm thrilled about this. At the depot in Darwin last week, a place that is shrouded in lollies - not one was taken. So proud of myself. 

Eating out is not that hard - going for the gluten and dairy free option makes it easy. If you're really stuck, steak and salad fit the bill. 

Rice paper rolls are my lunch of choice. I make pretty good rice paper spring rolls.

And my favourite snack is rice cakes with hummus and peppers. 

I've broken ranks twice over the month. 

One cup of almond decaf latte in Darwin, just to be sociable - and by rights, it still fits the no dairy and caffeine edict. 

And one can of seltzer by the pool with colleagues. It was enjoyed. 

So yes, I've had one coffee and one drink over the month. 

How am I feeling?

Fantastic. I'm not hungry. I've got plenty of energy. My skin is clear, blood pressure down around the realms of normal, my head is focused and my body is not aching. I feel strong. 

Oh, and I've lost five kilos in the last month. 

And I'm saving money. 

There just might be something in this.