Tuesday, October 8, 2024

I'm a Terrible Mother

 I've been home with a poorly cat all day. 

Yes. Lucifer is a bit off colour. 

It started this morning with the runny poos. He's not normally a runny poo sort of cat. This continued over the morning. Little visits to the little box yielded more runny poo. Complete with wiping his bum on the mat outside the kitchen. It's his thing. The mat is washable. 

How does anybody do this with children? You don't even have a pooper scooper to use with children?

Things came to a head around lunchtime when he had a very large puke on the other rug. 

Why can't cats puke on the floorboards? It always has to be on the rug. 

Both rugs have been put through the wash. 

And my normal, happy cat, who sleeps all day, was up and about, not asking for treat, and occasionally running to the litter box. 

He just wasn't himself today. 

And in-between scooping poop and cleaning up sick, my little fella was sitting on the bed, alert, but out of sorts. Normally he sleeps on his throne in the spare room for most of the day. His nose is cool and wet, like it always is. 

I don't think he's very sick. More the cat equivalent of a 24 hour bug. If it continues, I'll take him to the vet, but I think that's more of a punishment to go there. 

And the moment he's sitting next to me, gently clawing at my leg, looking for treats. He's made a good dent into his dinner. His behaviour is going back to what it normally is. 

Still, I have no idea how I would cope with sick children. And they seem to get ill all the time. 

An off colour cat is all I can deal with - and that's been hard enough. 

Today's song: 

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