Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Front of mind

 I did it. I managed to finish this month's book group book with about three minutes to spare. Part of me wishes I had timed things better so I could have savoured the book. After a good book group, I went for a swim, meeting up with my one up for a daily debrief. The pool is good after 8 pm. No kids.

So, what have I been thinking about today? 

1. Next month I must start the book group book earlier. 

2. Living next door to work is really cool - there is something great about going next door and making yourself lunch. 

3. Darwin sunsets are cool. 

4. George Negus died. I still wanted to call him George Fungus, but I can't for the life of me remember who tagged this. Was it Paul Hogan? I do remember him on Sixty Minutes, when it had some journalistic virtues - I'm Ray Martin. I'm Ian Leslie. And I'm George Negus. It's still in the brain along with the Wide World of Sport theme. And I wonder why I find Channel Nine strangely soothing (even if I only watch them to see what the bogans are thinking.)

5. I need to be in the foyer at 8 am to meet one of the BAs so I can head out to the depot. 

6. I need to get to Coles to get a jar of peppers. Roasted peppers, the one you get from the aisle with the olives and sun-dried tomatoes, are great on top of rice cakes spread with hummus. I bought the rice cakes and hummus yesterday. The peppers didn't make my shopping list. Oops. 

7. Night swimming with goggles that have tinted lenses is fraught with dangers. I bumped into a few walls - it probably doesn't help that the pool is round. 

8. The antibiotics I'm taking for this irritating cellulitis are giving me a bad taste in my mouth. I'm inhaling sugar-free mints to counteract this. 

9. We have to Uber out to the depot tomorrow. I'm wondering how I'm going to find lunch. 

10. Oh and it's housekeeping day here tomorrow. Does this mean I have to make my bed and run the dishwasher and put my vibrator away or out of sight? What is the etiquette here?

That will do. 


Today's song:

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