Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ritual Preparation

I've been asked to take part in a Full Moon/Winter Solstice ritual in a few day's time and my brain is in overdrive. 

I mean, I get to go into witch mode, which is something I rarely do these days. It's never far from the surface, and I do a bit of "witch shit" as I like to refer to it, in my own time, but rarely do I stray into doing ritual work with others. 

Like, do these people know how to set a sacred space? Do they know the theories of earth, air, fire and water? Can they work with the energies?

I'm getting the accoutrements ready. The black candle to start things off, white candles for bringing in the light. The salt to set the space. I'll have to find some incense for the air part of things - I'm in town tomorrow so a quick trip to the witch shit shop (yes, there is a witch shit shop in central Melbourne - been going there for years). We'll need a receptacle for doing some ritual burning - for what is a ritual if you can't burn stuff - in this case, slips of paper....

It should be fun.

As a free-range witch, it's always interesting to share the energy with others. I've been working by myself for a long time. 

Will let you know how we get on. 

I must find those temple bells...

Today's song: 

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