Saturday, June 22, 2024

Sunday Stealing: Writing Block Two

I'm out of Melbourne living my best life down the Great Ocean Road. And life is good. I'm surrounded by a group of amazing people, who are all writing about their first experiences with art.

Me - I'm doing the weekly questions and getting them out of the way before I start working on my novel yet again. Time to pick that baby up again. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Are you double jointed?


2. Are you ticklish?

Unfortunately, yes. But it depends on who's doing the touching. 

3. Cookies, cakes, or donuts?

All three. I have a notorious sweet tooth. I love a good donut - but not Krispy Kremes - more the ones you get from country bakeries with proper icing and sprinkles. Cake is just wonderful in moderation. Cookies are the one I can give or take. 

4. Did you go to prom? 

Prom wasn't a thing here in Australia. It's a big thing now - but I think the call them formals. In any case, I remember going to the odd school dance, but as I was a bit of an outcast at high school, I don't remember enjoying myself. It wasn't my thing.

5. Do you bite your nails?

No, that's one thing I don't do. Never have - I know it's a nervous habit and I have plenty of friends who do it. 

6. Do you enjoy dancing?

I love dancing in the way that Gen-X dance. That stomp and shrug thing that we all do. I was dancing this morning at the first session of the day - a rock up in your pyjamas and shake off the night arrangement. It's well cool. But as I come from that generation where we were taught square dancing at school and that was about it, I have no idea how to dance "formally".

This is an exemplification of Gen X dancing. If you go on Youtube and type in "Ask your parents how they danced" you'll see what I mean. 

7. Do you forgive easily?

For the most part, yes. No point bearing grudges. Wasted energy. 

8. Do you prefer to bathe or shower? 

I love a good bath, but I only have a shower at home. One of my favourite things to do is go to a swanky hotel and have a read, and a gin and tonic while in the bath, that has lots of hot water. 

Showering outside when it's warm (and in places that have outside showers - like Bali) is the best.

9. Does your name have any special meaning? 

Pandora, according to the internet, means "All gifts. Pandora is a girl's name is of Greek origin meaning "all gifts.” In Greek mythology, the first mortal woman, Pandora, was created beautiful and delightful by the gods, such that every man was attracted to her."

That doesn't sound like me. 

10. Have you ever gone camping? 

Not really. I'm sorry, it's not my thing. If there isn't hot running water, I'm not really interested. I have friends who love it. It's just not for me. Caravanning is about the nearest I've got to camping - and it's okay. 

11. Have you ever won something?

I'm a bit lucky - and have won a few things. These include: 

  • Two airline tickets to anywhere in the world
  • $700 bucks on a television game show
  • A couple of short story competitions
  • A couple of hundred dollars on lotto from time to time
  • Movie tickets - lots of movie tickets. 
  • And books - good at winning books. 
It's the attitude of gratitude. It comes back to you. It's lovely. 

12. What did you last eat?

I was fed breakfast this morning. The wonderful Emma made us this amazing frittata, which was seen off with some yoghurt, blueberry compote and granola. Very nice breakfast. Oh. and a coffee. 

13. What's your longest relationship so far? 

55 years. My relationship with myself. I'm being cagey - don't feel like talking about that that at the moment. 

14. Have you ever been on a diet? 

When am I not on a diet? Oh. Now. Somebody else is feeding me this weekend - and it is great. 

15. Do you enjoy DIY or crafts?

Yes, very much so. I knit and crochet and love doing both. I do enjoy painting - not that I'm any good at it, but it's good fun. I'm pretty creative. As for DIY - I've pretty adept at putting together IKEA flat packs. And I can fix a lot of things - but that is the extent of it. I'm Generation X - I am resourceful. 

Today's song:


Bev Sykes said...

Wow -- you ARE lucky!

Roger Owen Green said...

But that's a great name meaning. And you are generous with your spirit.

Lisa said...

That is amazing that you won two airline tickets to anywhere in the world! Wow! Where did you go?? Have you written about that trip?

Susan said...

That is a lot of great prizes! I enjoy doing crafts. I don't crochet, but I can knit a bit.