Friday, July 26, 2024

Sunday Stealing: Mid-year Motives

 Last night I crashed. Being on the red-eye back to Melbourne, with very little sleep, then having to drop my house sitter home, then go to work (albeit doing very little work) I conked out early. My normally reticent cat joined me on the bed, where I slept for eleven hours. But this was not before I put in a placeholder for this week's questions, which have been provided, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing. 

1. What are your plans for August

Nothing much really - it's the middle of winter here, although I'm scheduled to spend two weeks in Darwin working, which means I get two weeks of warmth. I have two plays to see at the Melbourne Theatre Company - a sumptuous version of A Streetcar Named Desire, along with another play called English. I have an overnight trip to Sydney to see the Sydney Theatre Company's version production of Dracula, which looks incredible. Click here to see a review. Looking forward to this one. And it's my birthday later in the month. I'll be in Darwin. A favourite movie is on at the Deckchair Cinema that night, so hoping to grab a friend or two and see that on the day.

2. Your mid-year resolutions or goals

Remain sane. Keep calm. Get fit again after this bout of COVID. 

3. Are you good at taking care of plants

Yes and no. I really don't like gardening, but I've managed to keep the cat's cat grass and chewy pot plant (his spider plant, non-toxic, but slightly hallucinogenic for cats - he loves it) for well over a year. 

4. What makes you feel nourished

Friends. Being in water. The sea. Good times with friends. A decent book. 

5. Which animals do you see most in your area

Dogs. Particularly little white fluffy dogs and adopted greyhounds. And quite a few French Bulldogs and Dachshunds. And Golden Retrievers. And every sort of poodle cross you'd even imagine. Australians love their dogs. 

6. Books on your summer reading list

Here are a few. 

  • I want to get to Paul Murray's The Bee Sting before they announce the next Booker Shortlist
  • Before the Coffee Gets Cold
  • Prima Facie by Suzie Millar is next on our book group book list
  • Chai Time at Cinnamon Gardens is our September book.
I also need to get my kindle back from my colleague. 

7. Projects you want to tackle this summer

We're in the middle of winter. It's a project to keep warm. Australian houses are generally badly heated and insulated.

8. Do you have weddings, graduations, summer celebrations


9. Which summer snacks are you excited to enjoy again

As it is winter here, I'm looking forward to making some pumpkin soup and savoury toast. Small, simple wonders. And yes, for those of you English, we eat pumpkin, it is not thrown to the pigs. And to the Americans, pumpkin does not come in a can here and we eat it as a savoury thing. Pumpkin soup is the best.  

10. How much time do you like to take for vacations

Oh, a vacation. I had three weeks in Europe last October. As a contractor, I don't get paid if I don't work, but overseas holidays really need at least three weeks to a month. Asia is a bit different, where a week or two will suffice. 

Something for the Americans reading this. In Australia, most full-time employees have 20-25 days paid holiday, not including public holidays, which are paid anyway. Yes, that is 4-5 weeks paid leave. (Plus ten days sick leave, often at the employer's discretion). 

11. Where are your favorite picnic locations

Either the beach or at a park. As long as there are tables, I'm fine. 

12. Something that would be out of character for you

Take your pick of these:

  • Listening to Country and Western music
  • Viewing a horror movie
  • Wearing a bikini
  • Reading Russian Literature (boring)
  • Being on time on weekends
  • Being enthused about seeing a mainstream musical
  • Voting Conservative

13. Which summer movies are you excited to see

I'm hoping to see the Deadpool & Wolverine movie in the next week or so while I'm still here in Melbourne. 

And I'm a big Beetlejuice fan, so I'm looking forward to the next installment

14. Your favorite free / cost effective ways to have fun

Going for a walk or reading a book. 

15. Who do you trust most to house & pet sit

I'm very lucky with cat and house sitters. My friends' eighteen-year-old, calm, responsible twins have been coming to stay while I've been doing the hard yards in Darwin. They like staying over as they get the television to themselves - a bit of space away from the family. The cat is also becoming friendlier to them. Blarney and Barney look after him for short stints too. 

Today's song:


Roger Owen Green said...

Presently, I'm putting one foot ahead of the other. I promised to do a book review (in person) in two days, and I've barely started it. I'm glad my American house has some air conditioning.

I've seen several Marvel movies, but I'm wary of seeing D&W bc I'm just not that into bloody cinema, though apparently, the folks who saw it at a surprise showing at San Diego Comic-Con loved it.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

Mrs PM is a contractor too so that is yet another constraint I added to the list for taking holidays (she doesn't work she doesn't get paid). We get the same paid leave (and sometimes more) in the UK.

I'm hoping to see Deadpool and Woverine too (probably next Friday). And I think my politics and yours are pretty similar.




M A R T H A said...

Wow it's winter there huh? It's hotter than the pits of Hades here in Mobile, Alabama. I'm an hour from the beach but it's in the 90+ range sometimes hitting 100+. Hope you have a blessed weekend.

Susan said...

I like your list of things out of character!