Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sunday Stealing: Bits and pieces from 200 Questions

 It is a lovely day out there. The sun is shining, There's a breeze, which means my clothes are drying on the line, and for a change, or what feels like a change, I'm at home, and not in another city. When you travel a lot, you start to wonder exactly where home is. I know that when I'm in Darwin, my apartment up there becomes a home. But this is home. Here in Melbourne, with my darling cat, who is very glad to see me. 

It's also Grand Final Day, but with two interstate teams playing, there isn't that much interest in the game, so I'm enjoying the peace and quiet. 

Questions today come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What do you want to be remembered for?

Being kind. And maybe my writing. But being kind is more important. 

2. If you were put in solitary confinement for a year, what would you do to stay sane?

The three things I would do would be read, write and exercise. It's imperative that I write, and I write every day. Reading is good for you, and it's amazing what you can do in a confined space when it comes to exercise. Yes, it would be boring, but at least the endorphins would keep things on an even keel. 

3. If you could have video of any one event in your life, what event would you choose?

I hate seeing myself on film and in photos and I can't think of any real time, as those 'big' things haven't really happened to me. But I keep being told by friends that when I was our room in Sommieres when we were on holiday last year was the nearest thing to pure joy anybody had ever seen. I'd like to see that. I just remember being bowled over. 

4. What are the top 3 things you want to accomplish before you die?  Have you accomplished them?

I'd like to get a book published. 

And walk the Camino de Santiago di Compostella in Spain. 

And I'd like to live in Paris for a year. 

I'm working on all three of them in the background. 

5. If you were forced to live one 10-minute block of your life again and again, what 10 minutes of your life would you choose.

I can't thing of anything. One of the joys of life is that everything is different from moment to moment. 

6. Have you ever saved someone’s life?

In a way, yes. I used to do a lot of healing work. I was at a party one night and was doing some work with an acquaintance, who hadn't been feeling well. I got to a spot, and the inner voice took over. Something didn't seem right. As a good holistic healer, I recommended that they see their doctor about this issue I sensed (but did not diagnose - something else a good holistic healer will not do - know they boundaries). I told them it may be nothing, but best to get it checked out.

Turns out they did have something that could have killed them. They went straight from the doctors to the hospital, where the problem was rectified. 

Every time I see them, they thank me for saving their life. I don't think I did anything more than anybody else would do in recommending they see a professional and quickly. 

7. What are you addicted to?

As I'm on this regime at the moment - no gluten, no dairy, no sugar, no caffeine and no alcohol, fun foods are next to non-existent. But, I have discovered vegan prawn crackers - which I love. They fit the bill. And are yummy.

8. What keeps you up at night?

Not much. My busy brain can be thinking about anything and that will keep me up, but I try hard to stop scrolling an hour before bed - that slows my mind down a bit. 

9. What do you regret not doing?

Travelling more when I was younger.

10. What gives your life meaning?

My friends and family. My cat. The Arts. 

11. What are you most insecure about?

My looks. Which is silly and vain, and I know I'm no oil painting, but I really hate having my photo taken and being on camera. 

12. What’s the most illegal thing you’ve done?

Other than living without a visa in England for six years? (What can I say, it was the nineties). An occasionally I might go over the speed limit or have a puff of the whacky backy if it's going around. I live a calm and law-abiding life. 

13. What’s the most surprising self-realization you’ve had?

I'm a good person. Again, sounds strange, but I'm okay.

14. If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what would it be?

Be kind. It's not hard. Just be kind. 

15. In what situation or place would you feel most out of place? 

Oh, that could be anywhere. I'm an introvert, so get me at a party with more than six other people and I'm either in the kitchen or out on the balcony with the smokers. Other places I'd be out place:

  • A boardroom as a member of the board (too much bullshit)
  • At the Australian Open (Don't like tennis)
  • Swimming in the middle of the bay (Scared of being in open water - okay on a boat)
  • At any sort of Country and Western gig, rodeo etc.
  • At a Trump rally.
  • At a Liberal Party Meeting (in Australia, our Liberal Party is the same as the Conservatives in England and the Republicans in America)
  • At a pro-life rally. 

   There are lots of places you wouldn't find me. 

Today's song: 


Lisa said...

We know lots of folks who walk the Camino de Santiago. I had to look up the one you mentioned. I wish I had traveled more when I was younger, too. I'm in total agreement with being kind.

Roger Owen Green said...

I tend to hate pictures of me. Love your "save" story.

Elena said...

Interesting! Where in England you lived in?
Publish a book - would it be a biography?
Have a nice week!