Sunday, October 11, 2020

Interesting Confusions

'Level Four Lockdown: Day Seventy

Mood: Have a post-curry hangover

Day Seventy of Stage four lockdown? How did it come to this? And why does it now feel so normal? it was so strange going through our football precinct to find it deserted on a finals night. It was incredibly strange. No dodging drunk football fans down Swan Street. Everything shut at 10.30 pm. We're hoping a few more shops will open soon. It's getting us all down. Besides, I just want to go into a book shop. It's just they way it is. Oh, by the way, I'm writing this in one of Catherine Deveny's Write Here, Write Now sessions. She's good for this. Get's the blog out of the way. 

Anyway, enough moaning about the lockdown, here are this Sunday's questions, provided, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Can you cry under water?

Dunno. I would say yes, but the tears would get washed away.

2. What is the fattest thing you’ve ever done?

Ergh, I would say last night's dinner going by how I felt last night. For a change, I went around to Blarney's last night and we hand curry for dinner. It hasn't sat well at all. Felt bloated all day. And saying that, I didn't overeat. I think it was just that most things were fried or full of ghee. 

3. If you’re going to be arrested what do you want your crime to be?

Go on, me get arrested. I'd probably get done for knocking off a politician. I do this in my mind every now and then - there's a few I'd like to take behind the bike sheds and flogged. Here's hoping somebody might do this. I life in hope. Justifiable I reckon. 

4. When they say dog food is “new and improved” who tastes it?

Knowing what goes into dog food, and knowing the demographics of dog food sales, I would say, unfortunately, it's probably senior citizens. I hope that is not the case. I'm sure they test dog food flavours on discriminating poodles. 

5. What’s the ugliest thing you’ve ever seen?

Low and behold, I think that might just be Donald Trump or Boris Johnson. Both are very unpleasant people both inside and out. 

6. Why doesn’t glue stick to its bottle?

Maybe because the plastic of the glue bottle and the viscosity of the glue are a different molecular make up - making it impossible for the glue to stick to it. No idea really, but I think it might be something like that. 

7. What historical event do you wish you’d witnessed?

I would have liked to be on the steps of Parliament House when Gough Whitlam was sacked - just to see Normal Gunston interview him. 

8. Who has had the best influence on your life?

Oh, I don't know. Probably my friend Reindert, who got me running. I got so much out of running, when I was running. I learned fortitude, perseverence and the knowledge I can do anything.

9. Would you rather go into space or to Antarctica?

Quietly, I would love to do both, but the Antarctica is closer to me than space - an it is normally a lot cheaper option. 

10. Would you rather sleep with no pillow or no blankets?

Rather sleep with no blankets - I do this most of summer. I do need a pillow. Preferably two - one for my head, one for cuddling. 

11. What's your favorite rain memory?

Summertime rain is always a favourite of me. I remember a few years ago I was going out to dinner with some friends at a swanky restaurant. I got all tissied up. Then, on the way there, the skies opened up. Unfortunately a summer storm hit. I got to the restaurant soaked to the skin. Very, very embarrassing, but the rain was wonderful. 

12. If you were elected president, what is the first thing you would do?

Very decidedly I'd stop all lobbyists and all corporations from having anything do do with parliament.  I would be putting all of these people in the crosshairs for the crimes against humanity they have contributed to over the last fifty years. Religious would also be banned from politics too. 

13. If you had $3 to spend in the dollar store, what would you buy?

Probably cat toys. I seem to be spending more and more on cat tops - the dollar store has good cat toys. the cat won't play with them anyway.

14. What’s the most annoying sound in the world?

At the moment, the most annoying sound is the chimes that come at the start of our public service announcements. They are discordant, loud and grate on your nerves. They play all over the place, but they are particularly annoying in the supermarket.

The next most annoying sound is the guy with the leaf blower who is always outside my window when I have my team meeting 9 am Monday morning. Hate him with a passion as well. 

15. What natural disaster scares you the most?

Bushfires and tsuamis. I've been in minor earthquakes - I can deal with them. Floods, you just go to higher ground, but bushfires, particularly after the fire season we had last year where half the country was on fire, was terrible. There is nothing you an do when you're near a fire front. They're very unpredictable. The loss of life is awful. Same with tsunamis. All a bit too close to home for me. 

Today's Song: 


CountryDew said...

The guy with the leaf blower would be annoying.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

I love that Tears for Fears song - my favourite pop album of the 1980's.

#5 - I totally agree. Trump is worse (of that's possible). A real nasty piece of work.




Kwizgiver said...

Oh my gosh--Tears for Fears! I loved that album.

You reminded me of how much I hate when the custodians at school mow the lawn outside my classroom (in an alcove so the sound reverberates).

Bev Sykes said...

Given Australia's fire record this year, I can see why that would be your choice!

I thought of Trump for "ugliest" too, but chose something else.