Thursday, October 29, 2020


 Well, the button has been pressed. 

The head shot has been put on the email too. 

Ive spent ten days pouring over parsing, looking at comma placement, taking out stuff, putting it back in, fixing typos, looking at logic and generally turning myself inside out.

But my anthology piece is submitted and there is nothing I can do about it now.

I've done my best. 

I got to use the words bureaucratic misanthrope. 

It is set at 1992 words - not bad for a 2000 word hard limit (They said they would let us go 20 words over, and just to finish a sentence).

And I'm worried and horrified about putting this in, but sometimes you just have to say enough.

It's as good as I'm going to get it.

And this all starts over again on Saturday when I have to polish 10000 words over the weekend for this publisher.

Kill your darlings. Polish the turds.

This being a writer thing is not for sissies.

Today's Song:

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