Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Bargain

I feel like a princess today - all because I found a pair of shoes online, which needed to be bought. So they got bought. Not that I need shoes. But they had my name on them. 

Going back to work tomorrow, it seemed a good time to buy a par of shoes - not that I need them, but I wanted them. And good work shoes are hard to find at the moment. 

These were listed on Facebook marketplace last night. Size 9 (well, that's me - I'm a standard size nine in all but runners), black and white brogues. Lace up. Hand made. Italian leather. Small heel. Wooden sole. R.F. Page brand. Retail, I think I'd be payng a couple of hundred dollars for them. 

Bought them off a nice lady in Toorak second hand for $33. She was selling a lot of stuff - but these spoke to me. 

Lunchtime saw me navigating the back streets of Toorak to collect these charmers, slowing for dodgy drivers (and there are a lot of them in Toorak) calling a number and changing $33 in cash for these beauties. 

I would have paid a bit more. 

They fit like a glove (now that I've wiped them out wtih dettol and sprayed a bit of anti-fungal stuff in them).

They're precious. And will go with all sorts of thigns. And they're really funky. 

And now I am sorted with work shoes.

I'll be selling a heap of near new boots and shoes at the Camberwell Market in a few week's time. 

But tonight I'll go to bed happy. 

Today's Song: 

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