Also went to one of the best concerts I have been to last night. David Byrne from Taking Heads. It was SUBLIME!.
Thanks for the great questions, Bev. You're keeping Sunday Stealing going brilliantly.
1. How many states have you been in?
Let me see, I've been to South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, the Northern Territory, the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania. And I've flow through Western Australia on a stopover. So that makes all of them. (I've even been to New Zealand - which is like the ninth state, but we're not allowed to say that.)
Oh, you mean American states. Well, I've been to California, New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania an I've passed through New Jersey and Connecticut. Not bad for somebody who doesn't live there.
2. If a sexist Man is called a pig, what is a sexist Woman called?
3. You see the one person who you absolutely despise. If you were guarentee'd that he/she couldn't say or do anything back to you.... What would you do??
Laugh. And Laugh in their faces. Oh, I'm watching this on television at the moment and doing just that. We had an election here yesterday - a state election. The conservatives got wiped out. Landslide victory to the sensible progressives. Just watching the Liberal Party (read Republicans, Americans) is one of the best things I have seen in ages. They have had one of the most proper comeuppances I've seen in a long time. There is a thing called karma. If you want a really good laugh, read Lyle Shelton's twitter feed. (Lyle Shelton is a member of the Australian Christian League and a thoroughly obnoxious person)
4. How many states are to the right of you? And don’t give us a map to look at.
None. Just the Pacific Ocean.
5. You can go anywhere in the world for free. Where are you?
Toledo Spain. Just Spain really. It's a fabulous country.
Dunno. One?
7. Are you a boxing fan?
No. I like boxing for the fitness it provides when you are training.
8. What is the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten?
Durians are pretty rank, but they grow on you. You're not allowed to eat them on public transport in Asia they smell so bad.
9. Is it cloudy right now?
Yes. A lovely cool November day.
10. Someone gives you a $500 gift card to WalMart or Target. What are you going to buy?
We don't have Walmart here, and Target makes good basic worth clothes, so I think my t-shirts, undies and make up would get an overhaul.
11. When you were little, what did you want to be "when you grow up"? And, how much different is your occupation now from where you thought it would be when you were younger?
I wanted to be a writer or a doctor. I am a writer. I still wonder what would have happened if I did better a school and went on to do Medicine instead of Arts at uni.
12. what was your favorite toy as a child?
Lego. Still love Lego.
13. What is the last place you had a good cry and why?
A beloved friend died from breast cancer on Thursday morning. I've shed a few tears over this. Why does it always get the good ones early?
14. Which Sesame Street Character do you relate with the most and why?
I have a few. I will always relate to Kermit the Frog. I love Snuffalaffugus too - he's awesome. And the Swedish Chef. And Animal. I can't choose just one.
15. Did you ever make what you believed at the time to be a horrible mistake - that in hindsight turned out to lead you on the best path in your life?
Going to live in Greece was a horrible mistake at the time. In reality, it was the best thing I ever did. Set life on a completely different course.
16. What’s your favorite show to watch on television nowadays?
Umm, that would be Suits. Please don't tell anybody, but I am a bit in awe of Harvey Specter. It's that smile...

17. Do you believe there is life after death?
Yes. But not in a Christian way, more like the Buddhist/ Hindu/ Jewish way.
Today's song: (In honour of last night's awesome concert - this was one of the highlights)
Talking Heads was my kids' favorite band. It always makes me think of my son Paul, who once met David Byrne and was so tongue-tied all he could say was "hi" and walk past him.
We both chose durian. I find it very difficult to think it could "grow on you." I know it's so stinky people aren't allowed to carry it on public transportation.
Love your answer about the sexist woman. I'm still trying to figure out my answer to that one.
Number 15... Its too bad that we think of 'worst mistake' at the time, instead of just taking it as a part of our journey!! xoxo
Oh Harvey Spector! He is so handsome! I like to watch that show also. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!
I am sorry about your friends. And I loved your answer to #2. (Thanks for explaining to me that liberals are Republicans on the other side - I have thought that for quite some time but no one ever put it so bluntly before.)
Hey, you've been to my state (Pennsylvania) but I'd be surprised if you were in the southwestern part where I live. I'm guessing you might have been near Philadelphia?
#2 Made me laugh out loud for real.
I'm sorry about your friend.
Love Talking the concert was excellent.
Have a wonderful week!
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