Sunday, October 25, 2020


Level Four Lockdown: Day Eighty-Four

Mood:  Good - mind you, I don't think we'll be getting as many restrictions lifted as we thought today. 

I have to confess, I find doing the weekly Sunday Stealing questions a bit strange at this time of year because, being Australian, we don't have the same 'holidays' and we really don't have the Halloween thing going. It's become popular with young kids over the last twenty years, but Halloween falls into the category of 'Things Americans do' along with things like Thanksgiving, the NRA and strange elections where they try to stop people voting. We regularly look over to America and scratch our heads.

We have to wait a few more days to hear if this lockdown is getting relaxed further. Been slightly delayed due to an outbreak in the Northern suburbs. Seven new cases a day. I'm hoping they're on top of this. I want the shops to come back. 

Anyway, enough of that. These questions were provided, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What is your favorite spooky song

Oh, I don't really have one, but I love this version of the Ramones classic with Lurch and Wednesday from The Addams Family.

2. What do you want etched on your tombstone?

'Nevertheless, she persisted.'

3. Who is your favorite horror movie villain

I don't really watch horror films, but I do like the rabbit in Donnie Darko. That's about as horror as I go. Oh and the father in Parasite was pretty creepy.

4. Have you ever seen a ghost?

Seen, no, felt yes. We had a ghost in our house in London. She was a regular occurence. Others saw her, I just felt her presence. 

5. Do you prefer gore, thrillers or supernatural movies?

Of all these three genres, I'm can do thrillers. Some some supernatural stuff is fine, like say Arrival - which I love. The supernatural movies have to be really well made for me to like them (case in point, I do Marvel)

6. What is your favorite scary book?

Truman Capote's In Cold Blood is terrifying in places. I also love the Lemony Snicket series of Unfortunate Events. They're great fun. 

7. Have you ever had a tarot card reading?  Was it accurate?

I read tarot to a professional level - and I've had readings that were accurate to a point then those which are very accurate. You should never go into a tarot reading and be surprised. They don't really tell the future. 

8. Are you superstitious?

A little, but it is not debilitating. 

9. Have you ever used a voodoo doll?

No. That amounts to bad karma. 

10. Have you ever participated in a seance?

Hell no. Also something I'm not interested in looking into.

11. Have you ever heard voices when no one was around except you?

Once or twice. Normally after somebody has died, I've been 'visited' for a few minutes. It doesn't freak me out - it just is. My Dad visited when he passed. 

12. What is your favorite Halloween candy?

This is Australia. We don't have Halloween candy - or we have it, but I've never paid any attention to it. 

13. What was your most memorable Halloween costume?

None. Never been to a Halloween party as we don't have them. My best fancy dress costume was when I took a bit of lemon tree to a come as your favourite Shakespearean character, and I called myself Burnham Wood. 

14. Do you like going through haunted houses (not real ones)?

Not for me. Too jumpy to be pawed by strangers dressed up as skeletons. 

15. If someone dared you to spend the night in a haunted house (a real one) would you do it?

Maybe, maybe not. Depends how comfortable the amenities and how creepy it felt. 

Today's song:


Bev Sykes said...

I love your tombstone!

Susan said...

I never thought that Halloween was just and American thing.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

Love the Addams Family clip.

I'd be intrigued to know more about you ghost in London - I may have seen one but I'm not sure (and I don't really believe in them anyway, which is why I would spend a night in a haunted house).




Kwizgiver said...

I love that Addams Family clip. And today's song is awesome!

songbird's crazy world said...
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songbird's crazy world said...

Love your tombstone.

And the costume ....I love your Shakespeare...

zippiknits...sometimes said...

I, we, lived with a ghost for almost 6 years .. can't be sure of the time when she finally left us for good... It was a humbling experience. She felt(and my sense of her) was she was more of an angel.

Thanks for the Addams Family clip! So fun!