Thursday, October 13, 2022

The unshiftable earworm

 I have no idea how this ear worm got in my head, but it won't go away. 

I've tried singing the following to get the song out of my head.

There's the old faithful: 

Then there's the most annoying song of the 90's.

And the other most annoying song of the 90s:

I've even tried singing something I heard at the supermarket this morning, which I love, and thought if I ever get married, this will be my wedding song: 

So, what is this unshifting ear worm? It's awful. 

I give you, from the movie, Madagascar II.

Thankfully, Modern English seems to have shifted it now - but I don't dare open that file. It will never go away. 

Circus, afro, circus, afro, polka dot, polka dot, afro...

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