Thursday, March 20, 2025


 We ate our winnings this evening. Three months ago, the three of us won a $150 voucher for the dinner at Sweethearts, a pub/bar/club on Mitchell Street which is a bit more upmarket than the normal backpackers places that line the streets. A pub crawl down Mitchell Street normally includes stops at The Darwin Hotel, Shenanigans, The Tap and Monsoons - Sweethearts is a bit further down the road and I'm not sure the bouncers would let you in. All of the pubs in Darwin have bouncers. 

Anyway, the three of us and a ring in, Chunky, who's in his last weeks at the company, came along too as a proxy leaving do. We put the voucher to good use. It fed the three of us very well (Steaks all around) and a few non-alcoholic drinks, because we're being a bit boring. But it was a lovely night. 

As was normally the case we tried to get an ice cream at Johnn Johnn's, but they were closed (and it was only just gone eight), so a trip to the seven-eleven was needed. 

We were home by 8.30. 

My other winnings occurred just after work. A proper swim was taken, restoring my soul. 

The problem with work travel is you have to fit in exercise as and where you can. Yesterday it was tipping down. I also had the Silent Book Group at The Last Supper - something I like to do when I'm up here. And walking was out because it was too rainy. And there was no way I was getting in the pool, because of the storms. So no exercise was had. I've missed exercise this trip. Today, just the required 20 lengths before dinner was just what the doctor ordered. 

I mean free grub and a swim. How much better can a night get?

Today's song:

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