Sunday, July 7, 2024


 I am sick. 

I have a cold. 

Yes, I have tested for COVID. It's not that. 

I am filled with snot. 

I'm feeling sorry for myself.

I've missed most of the weekend. I was looking forward do to doing a lot more. 

The cat is being a brat. 

I've watched a full season of the Great British Bake Off, soggy bottoms and all (*IYKYK)

I've finished knitting two beanies - they just needed the ends sewn in. 

And I'm a bit over it. 

Hopefully I'll feel a bit better tomorrow. I won't be going into the office - I feel rancid, and going in when you are sick is no longer the done thing. 

I'm sick of taking panadol and sudafed. 

Yeah, I'm just over it all. 

Today's song: 

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