Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Stealing: Time Capsules

 I am just back from two days away from Darwin. My colleague EH and I drove down to Mataranka and Nitmiluk (Katherine) to bear witness to the amazing natural beauty of the place. And because of this, I am currently very, very tired - and a little bit sunburned. Oh well. 

Quetions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing Sunday Stealing

1.  What would you put in a time capsule?

I really don't have any idea. I did see a video about them opening a time capsule from the 1970s which was filled with all sorts of unmentionables. I worry that if I put things in a time capsule, that would happen. (This probably only works for the Brits - the Plastic Mancunian understands.)

2.  What’s something you’re really good at?

I'm pretty good at knitting, writing stroppy letters, thinking my way out of problems and ironing. 

3.  What part of society would you like to change?

Everything. I'd like to get rid of the rich/poor and the class divides. It's so harmful. We could also get rid of the patriarchy and right-wing politics. That too would help a lot. 

4.  What have you eaten in the past 24 hours?

Crap. EH and I only got back to Darwin a few hours ago, but we had a sensible hotel breakfast in Katherine, a muffin and a coffee at Nitmiluk, I had a fish burger and chips at Pine Creek, and some salad and a little bit of ice cream for dinner. 

5.  What is an unusual fact about you?

I'm a practicing witch. That unusual enough? I am a white witch. No cursing or doing harm. 

6.  Do you collect anything?

Not really, but I do like it when people bring me back small elephants from countries which have elephants. 

7.  Have you played sports?

I do gym a lot, and I love exercising, but I've never played team sports. Unless you count pool. I love playing pool.

8.  What is your favorite blog?

The Plastic Mancunian. I have to admit, I don't read many blogs. 

9.  Ketchup vs. mustard?

Both. But I put tomato sauce (ketchup) on lots of things. I love all sorts of different mustards, like Dijon, seedy, Hot English, Horseradish... We don't really use American Yellow Mustard around here. I like the French style mustard used at IKEA. 

10.  Do you believe in ghosts or aliens?

I have a healthy belief that both ghosts and aliens exist, but they probably don't come in the way we think. The universe is too big to have this planet as the only inhabited one. And I've been around too many ghosts not to believe in them. 

11.  The last movie you saw in a theater.

Oh, that was Yorgos Lanthimos's Kinds of Kindness. I normally love his work, but I really didn't gel with this. It was VERY dark. 

12.  The silliest thing you have done this week.

Doing a 800 kilometre round trip road trip was pretty silly - but very rewarding. But now I'm really tired. 

13.  Have you ever done anything illegal?

Yes, but I've never been caught. Other than the odd speeding ticket, I did live in England without a visa for six years. But I paid my taxes and National Insurance.... swings and roundabouts. 

14.  What would you wish for right now?

World Peace. A kinder, gentler, less selfish society. 

15.  What shoes do you wear the most of?

As I am currently in Darwin, I'm living in Birkenstocks. In Melbourne, as it is in the middle of Winter, I live in Chelsea boots and Ugg Boots and trainers, but here, in the heat, it's sturdy sandals. 

Today's song: 


Roger Owen Green said...

I believe that lowering the range in employment between the highest and lowest-paid workers would help a lot.
I liked Yorgos Lanthimos's previous film but wasn't drawn to Kinds of Kindness.

Bev Sykes said...

Plastic Mancunian is one of my favorites too. And I live in Birkenstocks.