Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Book Launch

 We have been prepping like a set of Irish maiden aunts before a christening, the excitement palpable.

"Has anybody got those IKEA battery operated candles?"

"I live down the road, I can get them now?"

"Where is this thing again?"

"What are you going to wear?"

"Does anybody have any CDs in their car? There's only a Frank Sinatra CD here."

I was driving. I wanted to ping back, "What's a CD?" The last CD I had in my car was a Skyhooks one. Not sure Jukebox in Siberia would be better than Ol' Blue Eyes crooning. 

But back to the matter at hand. One of us had actually done it. 

My friend Krissie has birthed a book. I'm sure if you asked her, bringing the book into the world was a harder undertaking than giving birth to her two perfect sons, who were sitting by the sidelines looking on proudly as their luminescent Mum took the stage. 

But she's done it. She's written a freaking book.

I couldn't be more happy for my very clever friend. 

It was a night. So many of the crew from the writing retreats were there. Walking in a little late thanks to Melbourne traffic, I was greeted with twinkling fairy lights, a lot of noise, and hugs. Lots of hugs. 

The night was an utter success. Krissie was in her element. She said earlier in the week that she's be happy if only five people turned up. There was sixty or seventy in the place. 

There was finger food. There was wine. Both necessary elements to any book launch. There were great speeches. There were more hugs. There was a notable security person who wandered the room, cleaning up and grazing on the food, their amazing height not allowing them to blend into the background while Sinatra sang softly in the background. 

How can you have a bad night when My Funny Valentine blends in with the general chatter.

It was all wonderful, not just for the fantastic achievement, but for the quality people who gathered in this Elsternwick event space. There is something very special about being able to walk into a room, know half of the people there, where you don't have to explain yourself. Easy company. Happy company. People who want to celebrate you and celebrate you wins. 

You don't get this very often. 

I could not be prouder of my brilliant friend. I can't wait to read her book. (Which will be available on Amazon and other good book selling sites next week.)

And I can't wait to have my own book and my own book launch party, even though I'm an introvert who hates being the centre of attention. 

Tonight has helped re-light the fire to get this done. 

Today's song: 

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