Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Questions


I'm packing for yet another business trip - and these questions are a great way to power through them. One question, one task. At least the flight isn't until the evening so I have plenty of time.

Questions, as always come from Bev at Sunday Stealing. 

1. What do you hope your last words will be?

"Wow! So that's what's coming! Nothing to be scared about at all. " 

2. What do you spend the most time thinking about?

What's next. Joys of having a neurodiverse mind, I never stop thinking about what is coming up, what needs to be done, what the schedule might look like. It never stops. 

3. What is something you can never seem to finish?

A novel. I have two that have around 60-80,000 words written - I need to get back to them.

And knitting projects. I do finish them, but they take a while. 

4. What mistake do you keep making again and again?

What, other than falling for emotionally unavailable men? Or stuffing up my lunges at the gym (but I'm getting better than that?) and occasionally not listening to my instincts - which I don't do often? I like to think that I learn from my mistakes. 

5. What’s the best thing you got from your parents?

From my mum - skinny ankles, and ability to rhyme and my work ethic.

From my father, the ability to talk to anybody, anywhere, any time. 

6. What’s the best and worst thing about getting older?

Best thing about getting older - not sweating it on the small stuff. Saying no comes a lot easier. 

Worst thing about getting older - the aches and pains and the groaning noise you make when you stand up. 

7. What do you wish your brain was better at doing?

Focussing. My brain works in a way which I'm thinking about five things at the same time. Joys of neurodiversity. But it would be lovely to be able to concentrate on one thing at a time. 

As an example, currently, while writing this I'm also thinking about: 

  • How am I going to get the book group book read by Tuesday night?
  • When do I really have to leave for the airport?
  • Is my washing dry yet? 
  • What meetings to I have to plan for the week? 
  • What book should I take with me for after the book group book?
  • Is the cat happy? (He is)
  • To I have my protein shaker in my bag?
  • Have I got everything? 
It goes on and on

8. If your childhood had a smell, what would it be?

A cedar pine hedge. And a whiff of sunscreen on a sunny beach. Beachy smells. 

9. What have you created that you are most proud of?

Strangely, it's this blog. It's proof that I write daily. 

10. What were some of the turning points in your life?

Sorry, that's a too deep a question before a four-hour flight to a faraway city for a work trip. 

11. What song or artist do you like but rarely admit to liking?

Phil Collins. Oh, and Metallica. 

12. What small impact from a stranger made a big impact on you?

This is a bit strange, but having French people tell me that I speak very good French for an Australian did bucket loads for my confidence. 

13. As you get older, what are you becoming more and more afraid of?

Getting sick and not being able to support myself. I hate relying on others. 

14. What are some of the events in your life that made you who you are?

Moving to England when I was 23, and staying for eight years. I found myself in England. 

15. What could you do with $2 million to impact the most amount of people?

I would probably give it to a worth charity - I'm thinking Free Hollows or the Catherine Hamlin Fistula organisations

Today's song:


Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

This novel writing lark isn't easy is it?

Ah - Metallica? I'm just listening to their latest album - a lovely ballad called "Screaming Suicide" ;o)

I love a bit of heavy metal.





Roger Owen Green said...

My blog is my joy too. (Oh it was down for 8 minutes today, but it's back!)