Monday, March 24, 2025

Japanese T-shirts

I do not need any more t-shirts. I have enough t-shirts. 

But why do I want these t-shirts?

Or this one?

Or this one?

Or this one?

Or even this one?

I mean, I have enough t-shirts. But I like these. They would go well with my other dodgy t-shirts that read things like: 

  • In my defence I was left unsupervised
  • See You Next Tuesday
  • Hell was Boring
  • Typical Bloody Leftie
  • We are the Daughters of the Witches you couldn't kill
  • And a number of dodgy band t-shirts, including one with a black cat and the Pixies logo. 
And after the expensive day I've had today, where the car got repaired, the mailbox paid for, the hot water bill contested then paid (bloody estimated bills), I do not need a new t-shirt. 

But my birthday is in August - and the website is if anybody wants to get me something I'd love to have in my collection. 

Today's song:

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