Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Reverse Bucket List

Dev Prompt Card: Write a Reverse Bucket List of everything you have achieved and experienced. 

I'm struggling to find things to write about tonight, so I pulled a prompt card. 

I rather like this. 

So, in no apparent order of importance or greatness:

I have:

  • Survived high school
  • Gained a bachelors and masters degree
  • Remained employed
  • Lived overseas for a number of years. 
  • Visited the following countries - New Zealand, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, Greece, the United States, Indonesia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore. 
  • I have friends from all over the world. 
  • I own a black cat. 
  • I'm not in debt. 
  • I've run five half marathons in my day. 
  • I can leg press over 150 kgs (when I'm not injured)
  • Been to the Eiffel Tower, The Twin Towers, The Empire State Building, The Taj Mahal, Mataranka, Nitmiluk Gorge, Kakadu, The Isle of Skye, Glendalough.... This list could go on. 
  • I've kissed the Blarney Stone. 
  • I've been up in a balloon. 
  • The only bone I've ever broken is a toe. 
  • I've got over my fear of flying. 

I could go on for a long time, but the cat wants his sleeping chair. 

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