Sunday, February 21, 2021

Coronavirus Questions

 So it's the weekend. I've had a day of putting stuff to sell on the internet as well as doing a heap of washing and othe houseword. It's been a productive Saturday. Now, I'm just craving chips. Ah well. 

We've got some more Coronoavirus questions. These should be interesting, particularly as we've been relatively lucky here in Australia and have had very few cases per capita, and may it remain that way. 

Questions, as always, sourced by Bev at Sunday Stealing. 

Here we go...

In the past year have you–

1. Gone without a bra (Plastic Mancunian & Bud may skip this one!)

Ah, no, unless you count the day I had really bad gastro (stomach flu) and I stayed in bed all day. I'm not flat chested. Bras are a critical piece of equipment. 

2. Skipped making your bed.

No, I do that every day. It's the first chore I do after having a shower and feeding the cat (thought the cat is the first person on my list).

3. Ordered groceries to be delivered

Ah, no. Not groceries. I've ordered in take out for delivery every now and then, but for the groceries I've gone to the supermarket. We've never not been able to go to the supermarket - though we've had to wear a mask to go there for the last six months. Masks are second nature now. 

4. Cooked a real meal

I do that regularly anway. Next. 

5. Spent the day in pajamas?

I've had one or two of these. For me, there have been a couple of 'active wear' days, where I wear my gym gear all day. It's comfortable and I don't turn my camera on at work very often so no biggie. 

6. Skipped shaving your legs

I don't shave my legs, but I do wax them. I went six months without a legwax. I'm glad I'm single is all I will say. I'm back to having them waxed regularly now. 

7. Spent hours on Instagram or Pinterest

I don't use Pinterest and only have a quick look at Instagram once a day - so my habits haven't changed. 

8. Eaten in a restaurant

Yes. Now that we're back to 'COVID normal' I've eaten in a restaurant a few times since November. It's great to be back again. 

9. Skipped washing your hair.

I get a yes for this one. Over lockdown I'm managed to take my hair washing down from every second day to every four or five days. It looks good until day three - day four is a ponytail day and I can get away with another one of these on day five (and I have nowhere to go other than the gym) My hair is liking this. It's a good thing. But there have been the odd times where I maybe should have washed my hair the day before I did.

10. Not folded the laundry

I can't not fold the laundry. It's a genetic thing. 

11. Worked a puzzle

I haven't done a jigsaw puzzle, but I have done my regular crosswords and sudoku puzzles. 

12. Had Zoom calls

My life is zoom. I think it will be zoom ( or MS Teams, or WhatsApp, or Facebook Messenger) for a long time to come. It's become a preferred method of contact over the last year. 

13. Written letters.

Not, not really - but I have been reaching out to friends all over the world just to see how they are doing. 

14. Binge watched a TV show

Oh hell yeah. Other than having The West Wing on loop (to keep me calm) some of the things I've binged on over the last year include:

  • Doctor Doctor
  • Grantchester
  • Schitt's Creek
  • Parks and Recreation
  • Bridgerton
  • Virgin River
  • It's a Sin
  • Lucifer
  • The Marvellous Mrs Maisel
  • Gray's Anatomy
  • The Good Doctor
  • The Good Wife
I will say that I do work from home, my desk is in my living room and I often have these on in the background for company.

15.Gone barefoot

I love being barefoot around home anyway, so this is a yes - no difference here. My big change was buying a pair of ugg boots to wear in Winter - keeps my feet warm in the cooler months. 

Today's Song:


Bev Sykes said...

I recently finished Virgin River...up till the middle of the night. I'm glad to find out there will be a Season 2--it ended with a cliff hanger for EVERYONE.

Jodi said...

I can go several days now between washes too... working from home makes it easier, as I don't have to "get ready" on those days! Happy Sunday!

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

We have to feed the cats before we do anything else in the morning too.

I've never understood why laides wax things - I believe it stings.




Lori said...

I love The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel! I also watch The Good Doctor. Such good shows. Loved your answers. Have a nice day.

Me, Myself, and I said...

I'm so very happy (I've said this a thousand times, and am probably jinxing myself) that our hospital is very text oriented, lol. We use teams and webex. No video required or expected. We all happily hide behind our screens. Yay!

Jen said...

Ohhh, I have thought about waxing, but I chicken out! LOL! I have been binge-reading way more than I have been binge-watching shows. I did watch Bridgerton, but I obviously prefer the books more. =D