Thursday, August 15, 2024

Another Letter from the Cat

 Dear Mummy (you bitch),

I've decided that if you can't beat 'em, join em. 

The hurdy-gurdy people don't quite know what to do with me, so they left me to it. I thought if I could make a nuisance of myself, they might send me back to you. 

I've taken to sitting in the he-hurdy-gurdy man's chair. I like to mark my territory. 

Just like I sit on your work chair at all times of the day and night. 

He he. 

This morning, just to make my presence known, I went in to see them at six-o-clock to let them know my food bowl was empty. I don't even do that with you - there's no point. You just try to give me a cuddle and I don't like that.

Maybe if I'm annoying enough they'll send me home.

When are you coming home?

But so you know, I do quite like it here. The hurdy-gurdy people and looking after me well, and unlike you, they don't try to pick me up. 

You could learn a thing or two from them. 

I will still find some ways to pay you back when you come to collect me. 

Lots of love,


Today's song: 

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