Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Stealing: I am...

 I had a lovely chill day in Darwin, on my own, having a mooch, a pedicure, chatting with friends, going to a show at the Darwin Festival and night swimming - all makes for a nice day, 

Anyway, now on with this week's questions, brought to you, as always from Bev at Sunday Stealing

Reveal yourself in 18 easy steps

I am not:

  • Skinny
  • Rude
  • Neurotypical
  • Religious
  • Victorian (I'm from South Australia - big difference)

I hurt:

  • Nothing if I can help it.
  • All over, but that is just middle age. 

I love:

  • My cat
  • Ice cream and donuts
  • Autumn days
  • Arthouse cinema
  • Australian rock music
  • Sleep ins
  • Being fit
  • Smelling good (particularly woody, earthy oriental scents - or rose)

I hate:

  • Walking backwards (or sitting backwards in a moving vehicle)
  • Not having transition times between activities
  • Essendon Football Club
  • Sitting in the middle seat on long flights
  • Uncomfortable shoes
  • Humidity
  • Going to bed without having a quick shower

I fear:

  • Huntsman spiders
  • Crocodiles
  • Evangelical right-wing politics
  • Dying slowly and in pain

I hope:

  • My cat still loves me when I get home
  • That America sorts itself out
  • That our leader of the opposition gets taken out by one of his dog-whistling harpies.
  • That I somehow am able to get a European passport so I can go live and work in Paris.

I regret:

  • Very little
  • Not applying myself more the first time I went to university
  • Not discovering exercise earlier. 

I cry:

  • Rarely
  • Or when I do it's me tearing up at movies
  • I don't tend to cry at funerals

I care:

  • A bit too much about stuff that doesn't matter
  • And allegedly I have a big heart. Allegedly. 

I always:

  • Shower twice a day and clean my teeth twice a day
  • Iron my duvet cover and pillowcases
  • Have at least two books on the go
  • Use deodorant without aluminium in the formulation

I long:

  • To see what life is like with a partner
  • For world peace
  • To see Donald Trump in prison
  • And Peter Dutton out of politics because he is truly awful. 
  • For the time to write more

I listen:

  • To audiobooks
  • And strange snippets of conversation on public transport
  • And I love the sound of rain on tin roofs. 

I hide:

  • My feelings a lot of the time. Allegedly I have a good poker face. 
  • My true self a lot of the time - force of habit
  • The odd bar of chocolate at the back of the freezer and forget it's there. 

I write:

  • For a living
  • Everyday
  • Fiction and non-fiction
  • With the hope that one day I might have a book published

I miss:

  • England and France
  • My friend who passed a way a couple of weeks ago, especially when I'm up here in Darwin
  • Cooler weather, especially when I'm up here in Darwin
  • Regular cuddles
  • My cat, when I'm away from home. 

I search:

  • For a way to lose weight now that I'm over forty
  • For the time to write
  • For the ability to write a wonderful sentence that takes your breath away.

I learn:

  • Everything I can about anything I can
  • That having faith in people normally works out
  • That one day I might get on one of those scooters that race around Darwin

I feel:

  • A bit strange that I'm turning fifty-six on Monday
  • A little bit lonely that I'm on my own in Darwin on the weekend, but I have got through one day of it, so all is well
  • Grateful I have wonderful friends
  • Like I could use a holiday.

I know:

  • How to crochet and knit
  • That the middle road is okay most of the time
  • What it is to be comfortable around ghosts
  • That listening to Madness always makes you feel good about life. (One Step Beyond!)

I want:

  • To live in Paris for a year and get my French where I want to to be
  • To publish a book
  • Get back to Melbourne and get my cat back, because I miss him
  • To exercise more, as it makes me feel good. 

I worry:

  • About the state of the planet
  • That my cat sitters won't give my cat back (they will, but I think they're falling for the critter)
  • About getting older and being alone
  • That the Adelaide Crows wont win any more games this year - which is a possibility. 

I wish:

  • For world peace and a free Palestine
  • That the women of America would rise up against their draconian law makers
  • The Adelaide Crows were having a better year
  • And that they would shut up about that Australian Olympic Breakdancer already - that's been given too much oxygen
  • And that Donald Trump ends up rotting in prison. 

I have:

  • A full day ahead of me tomorrow - aqua aerobics, followed by a trip to the Museum and Mindil Beach Markets
  • Good friends
  • My health
  • A sense of humour
  • A hard, but interesting job

I give:

  • To charity
  • A lot of attention to the Arts
  • Willingly if people are in trouble
  • A lot of attention to women's rights

I wait:

  • For very little as I get impatient
  • For the clothes to dry on the line rather than putting them in a clothes' dryer
  • For the day when society works out that capitalism isn't that great a thing.

I need:

  • A cuddle
  • A few weeks off
  • A holiday
  • An extra day in the week
  • More Madness in my life.


Today's song: 

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