Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 I was completely destroyed by Chuck tonight in our personal training session tonight. Worked me to the point that I got a bit giddy - which might be because I worked from the office and hadn't eaten. I feel like He's worked my back and shoulders into oblivion - and when I call him a bad and nasty man, he just laughs at me. 

So, I don't feel like writing. 

I have things to plan and masticate. These include: 

  • Going to buy a few more white candles for the ritual on the way home from the dentist tomorrow. 
  • Working out if I'm just going to sloth around in my pyjamas and dressing gown at the retreat
  • Pondering retribution on Chuck after he drove me into the ground today. 
  • Stop feeling guilty about leaving Lucifer at home alone for two days (He is being fed twice a day while I'm away)
  • And thinking about what to write on retreat, or do I take a book and camp out in front of the fire for the weekend and bugger the writing. 
Regardless, not feeling it tonight, so that's that. Time to put some clothes in a pile for the weekend. 

Today's Song: 

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