Monday, June 24, 2024


 I find it funny that people don't know what to do with you when you self-identify as a witch. 

It's not like I'm going to turn them into a frog or curse them or anything. Like, I'm a white witch - I deal with the good juju. I don't go near anything from the other side. It's not in me to tinker with bad energy. It goes against every fibre of my being. 

Because witchcraft is about intention. 

Intention and being at one with the universal energies - earth, air, fire and water. 

It's nothing to be scared of. You just get used to feeling the world around you, rather than just seeing it. You feel at one in nature. Lots of people do that. Many find that animals, kids and old people gravitate towards them. I'm one of those people. You get used to it. 

And sure, when you're a witch, you have some different and interesting items and things in your life. But:

  • I own a black cat because I love him and black cats are often the last to get adopted at the shelters - so I took pity, and we got on. 
  • I have lots of candles around the place, because I like them. 
  • Yes, I've got a little broom - but that gets used for energy work - it's more symbolic than anything else, but it does calm me sometimes.
  • For years, my menstrual cycle was aligned to the cycle of the moon
  • Same goes for the temple bells, but lots of faiths use them. They're great of testing chakras and clearing the space. 
  • And I've been reading tarot for around 30 years. It's something I do - I've trained with the old head of the Tarot Guild for years. 
Most of my 'witch shit' as I call it, comes from what I call the Chinese Shit Shop - also known as the Two Dollar Shop. They are great for incense and candles and other things. Tarot cards come from online or some of the specialty shops in town. 

It is what it is. I'm pretty sure in years gone by I'd have been a midwife or somebody in the healing arts. In times past I'd be ostracised, thrown in jail, hung or burned. 

But now, as a witch, and somebody who makes no secret about it, but not advertising the fact, I look and act like everybody else. I don't smell of patchouli. I'm not covered in pentagram tattoos. I don't wear a pointy hat and robes. 

I'm just a little witch - and like being a freemason, it's a personal choice, it doesn't hurt anybody and I rather like this about me. 

It's the reactions of others I find fun. 

Today's song: 

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