Friday, August 30, 2024

Here we go again

 A trip to the naturopath is never fun. It might be necessary but it's never fun. 

And I love my naturopath. She's awesome. She's German. As a German Naturopath, she's not overly militant. Actually, she's got a wonderful sense of humour. 

We talked about why I was there. We talked about my goals (okay, it's about losing some weight and getting this fatty liver of mine under control. 

She didn't have to tell me what I'll be doing for the next two months starting on Sunday (Because if you' re going to draw a line in the sand, you may as well do it on a convenient date. 

So, for the next two months I will be following naturopath's orders. 

  • No gluten
  • No dairy (with the exception of whey powder)
  • No sugar - fresh fruit in limited amounts is okay. 
  • No caffeine - and for at least the first month, no decaf or tea or green tea
  • No alcohol

One portion of lean red meat is allowable, as is one portion of salmon. 

And I have to try getting at least 100 grams of protein into me on a daily basis. 

I'm going to be fun to be around over the next two months. 

Thankfully, I've done this before, and I know how good this makes you feel. I also don't have to do the caffeine detox this time, as I barely touch the stuff now - thanks to that last detox. But as decaf has been banned, it is going to feel stupid going into a coffee shop to ask for a lemongrass and ginger tea.

I'll also be spending about half my time in Darwin over this time. Double fun. 

As I said. What fun....

Wish me luck. I'll need it. 

Today's song:

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