Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Namesake

I met my namesake tonight.

Meet Panda.

Panda is about nine months old. My friend Alice took him in as a foster. He may end up being a foster fail. Alice and her son, Mungo are rather enamoured with the beastie. 

Panda is the soggiest bit of cat fluff that I have met in a longtime. He reminds me a bit of Maow Maow. 

All Panda is interested in doing is eating, sleeping, and cuddling. That is when he is not scratching up the couch.

When Alice received Panda, she was told that he was feral and not litter trained. It turns out he was a litter trained. And if this cat was feral, I vote for the Liberal National Party and think Peter Dutton has a lot of good ideas.

Panda likes to sit on your lap, cuddle your wrist, and purr. 

Panda loves people. He sat on me for about an hour and a half as I had a cuppa tea with Alice and caught up on things.

However, I am slightly allergic to Panda, I was sneezing a lot as he slept on my shelf.

I pried myself away from this amazing little beast, came home and took an antihistamine. I also came home to a rather unamused Lucifer, who is sniffing me all over, knowing that I have betrayed him.

Panda is up for adoption; however, I secretly think that Alice is hoping that a foster fail might happen…

Kittens really do make the world a better place.

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