Well it is Sunday. I've been for a walk, the cat is asleep on the bed, done two loads of washing, made a cake and I'm about to take said cake around to my friends whose two kids turned ten yesterday. I might not be able to give them a hug, but I can take them cake without getting arrested. We're hoping that after next weekend, some of the restrictions will be relaxed a bit. I'm missing hugging people - but at least we are safe - or as safe as the restrictions let us. (Less than 100 people have died from Coronavirus and currently there are only about 1000 live recorded cases about the country - to say we are fortunate is an understatement.)
Anyway, as I have things to do, lets get on with the questions, gratefully supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing.
1. What is your favorite song lyric? Why?
'There are places I'll remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends, I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life, I've loved them all.'
You just can't go past The Beatles. This is one of their best ballads. It just gets me each time I hear it. It stops me in my tracks.
2. Who was the worst teacher you ever had?
The bloke who taught me physics in Year Eleven was pretty ordinary. He looked like a yeti - and I just couldn't get it. I hated physics.
I had a professor in First Year Uni who taught French - he was very ordinary too. Put me off the langauge for a couple of years.
3. What were 3 things that scared you as a child?
Spiders, snakes and getting lost. I'm still not great with the first two.
4. What are 3 things that scare you now?
Snakes, spiders and commitment.
5. Would you rather have the power of time travel or the power to see the future?
I think I'd rather have the power to time travel. I read tarot. I've had snippets of the future shown to me in little bits - and you can't do anything with it. Time travel could be fun - daunting, but fun.
6. Money, power, or good looks – which would you rather have an unlimited supply of?
Money. I'm nothing to look at and I'm not into power, but money certainly can make things a lot easier.
7. Are you jealous of anything?
No. Pointless emotion.
8. What makes you feel most loved?
Being cooked for. I love when people cook for me - it doesn't happen enough.
9. Do you believe in soulmates?
Unfortunately yes. And unfortunately, you don't always end up with that person.
10. What is something that made you laugh the most?
Animals and their antics. Monty Python. Red Dwarf. The Young Ones. Good political satire. People.

11. What were 3 of the happiest days of your life?
When I first got a story published. When I moved to England. When I saw David Byrne live - both times.
12. What is your biggest flaw
I'm lazy. Don't tell anybody. I am a very flawed person. I can be indecisive, cruel, mean and judgemental. But I'm working on all these.
13. Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Oh gawd. I look a bit like the Supernanny, but she's not an actress. Now - give the role to Frances McDormand. For a younger me, maybe Carey Mulligan or Yael Stone.
14. What is something you experienced that you have no explanation for.
The feeling of deja vu I felt in Spain, particularly Toledo, was overwhelming. I got around the streets without a map. It just felt so much like home. I'm not Spanish. I'd never been to Spain before this. Bit I've been there before in some life or other. It really resonated with me.
15. What is the saddest book you ever read?
Oh, that probably goes to Hanya Yanagihara's A Little Life. It's extraordinary, but gutwrenching.
16. What is your dream home like?
I would love a terrace house with a back courtyard in the inner suburbs. I'd love it to be completely modern on the inside, lots of blonde wood, storage and modern art, with a wood fire for winter and good air conditioning for summer. If not, a cottage overlooking the beach would be lovely.
17. What creature/insect would most creep you out if you found it crawling on you?
Huntmen spiders - actually any large spider. I really don't like spiders.
18. What’s your preferred Monopoly piece?
The boot or the dog. I haven't played Monopoly in decades.
19. What was your most embarrassing moment?
I have too many of them to tell. Having my dress split at the back on me at work one time was pretty dreadful.
20. Could the earth be flat?
No. Science says so and I tend to believe in science and the near 500 years of accepted findings. I don't think that if you go too far out to sea you find dragons. Daft question.
Today's Song: (Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge)
Day 11: A song you never get tired of
Anyway, as I have things to do, lets get on with the questions, gratefully supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing.
1. What is your favorite song lyric? Why?
'There are places I'll remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends, I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life, I've loved them all.'
You just can't go past The Beatles. This is one of their best ballads. It just gets me each time I hear it. It stops me in my tracks.
2. Who was the worst teacher you ever had?
The bloke who taught me physics in Year Eleven was pretty ordinary. He looked like a yeti - and I just couldn't get it. I hated physics.
I had a professor in First Year Uni who taught French - he was very ordinary too. Put me off the langauge for a couple of years.
3. What were 3 things that scared you as a child?
Spiders, snakes and getting lost. I'm still not great with the first two.
4. What are 3 things that scare you now?
Snakes, spiders and commitment.
5. Would you rather have the power of time travel or the power to see the future?
I think I'd rather have the power to time travel. I read tarot. I've had snippets of the future shown to me in little bits - and you can't do anything with it. Time travel could be fun - daunting, but fun.
6. Money, power, or good looks – which would you rather have an unlimited supply of?
Money. I'm nothing to look at and I'm not into power, but money certainly can make things a lot easier.
7. Are you jealous of anything?
No. Pointless emotion.
8. What makes you feel most loved?
Being cooked for. I love when people cook for me - it doesn't happen enough.
9. Do you believe in soulmates?
Unfortunately yes. And unfortunately, you don't always end up with that person.
10. What is something that made you laugh the most?
Animals and their antics. Monty Python. Red Dwarf. The Young Ones. Good political satire. People.
11. What were 3 of the happiest days of your life?
When I first got a story published. When I moved to England. When I saw David Byrne live - both times.
12. What is your biggest flaw
I'm lazy. Don't tell anybody. I am a very flawed person. I can be indecisive, cruel, mean and judgemental. But I'm working on all these.
13. Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Oh gawd. I look a bit like the Supernanny, but she's not an actress. Now - give the role to Frances McDormand. For a younger me, maybe Carey Mulligan or Yael Stone.
14. What is something you experienced that you have no explanation for.
The feeling of deja vu I felt in Spain, particularly Toledo, was overwhelming. I got around the streets without a map. It just felt so much like home. I'm not Spanish. I'd never been to Spain before this. Bit I've been there before in some life or other. It really resonated with me.
15. What is the saddest book you ever read?
Oh, that probably goes to Hanya Yanagihara's A Little Life. It's extraordinary, but gutwrenching.
16. What is your dream home like?
I would love a terrace house with a back courtyard in the inner suburbs. I'd love it to be completely modern on the inside, lots of blonde wood, storage and modern art, with a wood fire for winter and good air conditioning for summer. If not, a cottage overlooking the beach would be lovely.
17. What creature/insect would most creep you out if you found it crawling on you?
Huntmen spiders - actually any large spider. I really don't like spiders.
18. What’s your preferred Monopoly piece?
The boot or the dog. I haven't played Monopoly in decades.
19. What was your most embarrassing moment?
I have too many of them to tell. Having my dress split at the back on me at work one time was pretty dreadful.
20. Could the earth be flat?
No. Science says so and I tend to believe in science and the near 500 years of accepted findings. I don't think that if you go too far out to sea you find dragons. Daft question.
Today's Song: (Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge)
Day 11: A song you never get tired of
Python is a very good choice. Or Fawlty Towers! I love Basil Fawlty.
Another Beatles lyric this morning! They really are a thread that connects us. What a lovely legacy.
I'm seeing a pattern with the horrible teachers. Most of them seem to teach science. I wonder why?
Hi Pand,
"Monty Python. Red Dwarf. The Young Ones. Good political satire. People." - totally agree. I love the grumpy cat picture and quote.
I'm not surprised about your fear of spiders and snakes, since Australia has so many of the most poisonous ones!
My son was a HUGE David Byrne fan. He saw him once, smoking a cigarette outside the theater where he was about the perform. Paul was too shy to talk to him, but after Byrne went into the theater, he saved the cigarette he had just thrown on the ground.
There's a book from the 70's, a gothic horror/tudor history romp by Anya Seton called Green Darkness. It is one of my re-reads, literally have read it 100s of times. Anyhow, your Toledo story made me think of it.
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